The final capstone project is a culmination of the written research-based assignments completed throughout the course. Each written assignment contributes to the final Evidenced-Based Proposal paper. This is the first written assignment.

Think about what you have learned with regard to the five critical steps of evidence-based practice. In a formal paper of 500-750 words, address the following:

Part 1: Defining the Problem

  1. Identify and describe one topic that may resolve a patient-care-quality problem or issue.
  2. Draft a possible problem statement.
  3. Describe a problem. Explain why it is a problem, and why it is significant to your discipline. Use the literature you gathered as support for why this is a problem in relation to your practice. The problem should focus on the resolution of an issue significant to improving patient care.
  4. Draft a purpose statement in relation to your problem statement that states what you hope to accomplish if you implemented this project.

Part 2: Defining a Searchable, Answerable Question

From what you wrote about your problem and purpose, develop searchable questions using the PICOT format that will be the basis for your implementation plan. Word count is not relative in this section.  Include evidence-based resources.

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