Assessment of interprofessional teamwork and collaboration in health care delivery

Assessment of interprofessional teamwork and collaboration in health care delivery Essay Help

References to be considered:
Aranda, E. K., Aranda, L., & Conlon, K. (1998). Teams: Structure, process, culture, and politics. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Mahoney, J. (2001). Leadership skills for the 21st century. Journal of Nursing Management

Write my nursing paper on Assessment of interprofessional teamwork and collaboration in health care delivery Assignment

Assessment 2: \”Building leadership and trust in collaborative teams.4 pages. This assessment examines two critical components for interprofessional team success: leadership and trust.

o Identify at least three leadership behaviors that build trust within a team.
o Identify at least three leadership behaviors that undermine trust within a team.
o Explain the consequences of a team that does not trust its leader in terms of patient safety.
o Describe strategies team members can use to build trust among one another in terms of skill, knowledge, and responsibility.
o Describe principles of effective interprofessional team leadership. In other words, what skills and qualities should a good team leader possess? Is there a difference between being a good leader and being an effective leader?


DELIVERY. 4 pages
A report that addresses the challenges of working effectively within a multigenerational team environment and provides evidence-based strategies for improving the work environment to support all generations. Identify specific skills members of each generational group bring to nursing teams. Describe strategies for building cohesiveness within multigenerational nursing teams(Veterans,Baby booemers, millenials, generation X..etc).Analyze the implications of working with interprofessional teams in multifaceted health care settings. Describe the characteristics of the generational groups working in nursing. Explain types and causes of conflicts that are likely to occur among multigenerational members of nursing teams. Develop evidence-based nursing interventions to address specific problems and enable systemic change. Explain the benefits of a multigenerational nursing team for the organization, the team members, and patients. Briefly describe the main characteristics of each of the four generations working in nursing today (Veterans, Baby Boomers, Gen Xers, and Millenials). Focus primarily on attitudes toward work and family, communication styles, and comfort with technology.
o Identify at least one specific skill that each generation brings to a team.
o Explain the types and causes of conflict that are likely to occur within a multigenerational team.
o Describe strategies a team leader can use to help build cohesiveness within multigenerational nursing teams. Be sure you include strategies for communication, setting and managing expectations, motivation, and mutual respect.
o Explain the benefits of a multigenerational nursing team for the organization, the team members, and patients.

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