HLT 317V Communication and Application of Research Entire Course Weekly Assignments Essay Paper

HLT 317V Communication and Application of Research Entire Course Weekly Assignments Essay Paper

HLT 317V Entire Course Weekly Assignments


HLT 317v Week 1 Assignment

Identification of Research Topics


In this assignment, you will be identifying potential topics for a research paper. In Topic 2, you will select your final topic, which will inform subsequent assignments within this course.

Select three topics of interest from your work area, or within a health care field. Examples of appropriate topics may be found in your text, Understanding Research, and from the list below:

  1. Leaving a confused patient alone in the waiting room
  2. Failure to label specimens
  3. Leaving medication unsecured
  4. Childhood obesity
  5. Using technology and protecting patient information and confidentiality
  6. Managing the health care needs of an aging population

Complete a search utilizing the GCU Library for an article on each of your topics. After you have selected your articles, prepare a 150-250-word paper that introduces your selected topics. For each topic, address the following:

  1. Introduction of the topic.
  2. State why you selected the topic.
  3. Summarize the content of the articles.
  4. Conclude with an explanation of the significance of the topics to your organization or to health care.

HLT 317v Week 1 Assignment 2

What Is Your Role in Communicating Research Information?


Complete the questionnaire portion of “What Is Your Role in Communicating Research Information? Part I Questionnaire and Scoring Guide” resource.

Score the questionnaire using the same resource.

Based on the questionnaire results, as well as the insights gained from the Topic 1 readings, utilize a reflective approach to record your response to the following questions:

  1. Reflect upon the questionnaire results. Describe your success with communicating.
  2. What did you learn about your communication style that enables you to communicate effectively?
  3. What did you learn about your communication style that negatively impacts your ability to communicate?
  4. How will you work to increase your communication ability?
  5. Explain what you have learned about your communication skills that will help you as a healthcare professional?

Part II

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The purpose of this assignment is to stimulate reflection about an experience, rather than just recording the experience. One way to keep from simply recording the event is to begin your answer to the above questions with one of the following phrases:

  1. During my experience, I felt …
  2. I learned ____ about myself…
  3. What is the significance or meaning of my learning…?
  4. I discovered that I …

Refer to the “Feeling Words” resource. The list of feeling words may serve as an aid to identify feelings that may occur during nurse-client interactions.

Be sure to include information from the assigned readings and personal reflection to support your answer.

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HLT 317V Communication and Application of Research Entire Course Weekly Assignments Essay Paper

HLT 317v Week 3 Assignment (Benchmark Assignment)

Collaborative Learning Community: Consumerism in Health Care Paper


This is a benchmark assignment.

This is a CLC assignment.

Topic Introduction and Summary:


  1. An explanation to what research shows regarding customer perception of health care over the past 5 years.
  2. An introduction to the topic and its significance to customer service or consumerism in allied health care.
  3. What does the research forecast as the trends, for the next 5 years, to better meet consumer needs?


Provide an overview of the scope of the study in the chosen article by explaining data collection and where to find the data.

Describe the process used to determine the validity and reliability of the research findings to support evidence-based practices.


Differentiate between the qualitative and quantitative aspects of the data described in the article in terms of descriptive statistics, inferential statistics, or both.

Determine if you have enough information to make a decision on the effectiveness of the study?


Summarize your findings of the research as it relates to where we are in health care delivery today. What actions to you see that need to take place to meet the future needs of health care delivery?

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HLT 317v Week 3 Assignment 2

Literature Review Draft – Peer Review


In this assignment, you will conduct peer reviews on the “Literature Review Draft” assignment from Topic 2.

  1. Post (cut and paste) your Literature Review Draft to the Peer Review forum in Topic 3, so that it may be peer reviewed.
  2. You should label your paper with your first name and last name (e.g., Karen Palmer’s Paper).
  3. Your instructor will assign each student two papers to peer review.
  4. When conducting the peer review, utilize the grading rubric in the “Literature Review Draft” assignment, the “HLT-317V Peer Review Worksheet,” and “HLT-317V Peer Review Guidelines” as resources.
  5. You may want to modify your paper according to the recommendations from your peers as you feel appropriate.

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HLT 317v Week 3 Peer Review Forum

Post the rough draft of your essay as a reply to this thread. You should label your paper and the subject line of your reply with your first name and last name (e.g., Karen Palmer’s Paper).

Review the first draft of the person who posted his/her response directly below yours in the Peer Review forum. If your draft is the last posted, review the first draft posted. Complete the “HLT-317V Peer Review Worksheet.”

Copy and paste the completed “HLT-317V Peer Review Worksheet” to the Peer Review Forum as a “reply” to the initial post of your peer’s first draft. Do not post the worksheet as an attachment.

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HLT 317V Communication and Application of Research Entire Course Weekly Assignments Essay Paper

HLT 317v Week 5 Assignment

Literature Review Final


In this assignment, you will rewrite your Literature Review Draft, which includes the utilization of the feedback from the peer review process, if needed. Your paper will consist of 1,500-2,000 words that utilize the research process, incorporate three articles, and include the following:

  1. An introduction to topic.
  2. An explanation of how the literature review is used in research.
  3. A discussion of the ethical considerations for data collection.
  4. An explanation of what the data reveals in terms of statistical analysis.
  5. An evaluation of whether there is enough information to make a decision on the effectiveness of the specific study.
  6. A summary of the conclusions from the literature review.

Provide a copy of each peer review of your paper with your final submission.

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