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NR 504 Leadership And Nursing Practice: Role Development Discussion Questions Week 1 to Week 8 Essay Assignment Paper

NR 504 Discussion Questions-Answers Week 1 – 8

NR 504 Week 1 Discussion: Leadership: Theory Application to Advanced Nursing Practice

Consider the leadership theories and styles that have been … during Week 1, as well as their value to advanced nursing practice. Reflect upon your current leadership roles within the profession and respond to the following.

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NR-504 Week 2 Discussion: Peer Engagement Forum – Group 1 (2 Versions)

  1. Provide a concise introduction for your posting.
  2. Reflect upon a leader who impacted your practice.
    • How was this person an effective leader?
    • What leadership knowledge, skills, and attitudes (KSAs) did the person possess?
    • How did this person impact others?
  3. Share a self-assessment of your leadership KSAs; explain how they reflect the constructs within the Chamberlain College of Nursing Conceptual Framework.
  4. Discuss the significance of leadership competencies and personal leadership acumen to your future MSN role and specialty track.
  5. Conclude with a succinct synopsis of key points and concise self-reflection of how this topic contributes to your growth as a future leader in the chosen specialty track.

Please note that the requirements for the Peer Engagement Forum are different from what you are accustomed to in the traditional discussion boards in your previous classes. Refer to the assignment guideline and rubric listed below for specific requirements regarding expectations for postings within the peer engagement forum. Instructors reserve the right to alter assigned peer engagement groups to maximize the student experience and course outcomes.

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NR 504 Leadership And Nursing Practice: Role Development Discussion Questions Week 1 to Week 8 Essay Assignment Paper


NR 504 Week 3 Discussion: Leading and Caring for Oneself

MSN-prepared nurses serve as leaders across a wide array of healthcare and organizational contexts, influencing individuals, teams, organizations, and communities. Recognizing this far-reaching impact of the MSN-prepared nurse as leader in shaping healthcare and the profession, respond to the following.

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NR 504 Week 4 Discussion: Leading Others: Implications of Personal Leadership Style

Emotionally incompetent behaviors can destroy a team’s ability to achieve a specific goal. Consider the following list of emotionally incompetent behaviors (Porter-O’Grady & Malloch, 2018).

Select one behavior from the list above, and complete the following.

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NR 504 Leadership And Nursing Practice: Role Development Discussion Questions Week 1 to Week 8 Essay Assignment Paper


NR-504 Week 5 Discussion: Peer Engagement Forum – Group 1 (2 Versions)

Reflect upon a current or previous organization, and consider the organizational mission, vision, and values, as well as the organizational culture and leadership practices.

Provide a concise introduction for your posting.

In what ways did the organizational mission, vision, and values reflect a culture of excellence?

Identify one recommendation for improvement or further enhancement of congruence between organizational mission/values and the day-to-day organizational culture and leadership practices that you observed. Include your rationale. How might the LEANSix Sigma approach … applied to address this gap?

Recommend one leadership approach or strategy that can … applied to support a culture of excellence within your future MSN role. Include your rationale and the intended impact.

Conclude with a succinct synopsis of key points and concise self-reflection of how this topic contributes to your growth as a future leader in the chosen specialty track.

Please note that the requirements for the Peer Engagement Forum are different from what you are accustomed to in the traditional discussion boards in your previous classes. Refer to the assignment guideline and rubric listed below for specific requirements regarding expectations for postings within the peer engagement forum.

Instructors reserve the right to alter … peer engagement groups to maximize the student experience and course outcomes.

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NR-504 Week 6 Discussion: Peer Engagement Forum – Group 1

NR 504 Leadership And Nursing Practice: Role Development Discussion Questions Week 1 to Week 8 Essay Assignment Paper

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NR 504 Week 6 Discussion: Peer Engagement Forum – Kotters Change Model


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NR-504 Week 7 Discussion: Peer Engagement Forum – Group 1

Consider the case scenario you described in Week 6. Continue with this unfolding case scenario by assuming that the change process is proceeding in an effective manner, and address the following.

Please note that the … for the Peer Engagement Forum are different from what you are accustomed to in the traditional discussion boards in your previous classes. Refer to the assignment guideline and rubric listed below for specific requirements regarding expectations for postings within the peer engagement forum.

Instructors reserve the right to alter assigned peer engagement groups to maximize the student experience and course outcomes.

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NR-504 Week 8 Discussion: You and Your Leadership Journey (2 Versions)

Reflect upon the learning that you have accomplished throughout the previous weeks, and assess your achievement of each of the five course outcomes.

For each course outcome, explain the learning that you accomplished. Include at least specific learning activity or assignment that contributed to your achievement of that outcome, and explain how it supported your learning.

Conclude with your plans for continued professional development of leadership competency within your future MSN role. Include current, peer-reviewed scholarly support (outside of class resources) to validate your work.

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