NR 601 Primary Care Of The Maturing And Aged Family Practicum Entire Course Week 1 to Week 8 Essay Assignment Paper

NR 601 Primary Care Of The Maturing And Aged Family Practicum

NR 601 Entire Course Week 1 to Week 8

NR-601 Week 1 Discussion Board: Polypharmacy (Initial Post, Faculty, Peer Responses)

Get nursing help on NR-601 Week 1 Discussion Board: Polypharmacy (Initial Post, Faculty, Peer Responses) from top nursing online essay writers. 

NR 601 Week 1 Discussion Board: Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment (Step 1 – 4)


The purpose of this assignment is to review the components of the comprehensive geriatric assessment 

Due Date:  The initial posting to the graded collaborative discussions is due ... Peer and faculty responses are due by ...  Please note that the late assignment policy does not apply to the collaborative discussions.  A 10% late penalty will be imposed for discussions posted after the deadline, regardless of the number of days late.


Step 1: Review the assigned topics which are listed by student number. For example, if your student number is 2 you will discuss the functional health domain and then respond to a classmate who has posted on the psychological health domain.

Your student number:  Your-assessment domain Your peer response domain
1 and 5 Physical health Socioenvironmental health & quality of life measures
2 and 6 Functional health   Psychological health
3 and 7 Psychological health   Functional health
4 and 8 Socioenvironmental health & quality of life measures   Physical health

Step 2: For your assigned assessment domain:

  1. Provide a brief 3-5 sentence summary of the components of the domain assessment*
  2. Choose a screening tool which is appropriate for your domain. Explain the screening tool purpose, components and scoring technique*
  3. Provide 2 references in APA format beneath the table which support your work.  You may use the textbook. The second reference must be a scholarly source. ____ *All responses must be your work, in your own words.

Your table should look like the following:

Comprehensive Geriatric  Assessment
Domain Dimensions of assessment Screening tool related to the domain(s) 

Step 3: Paste table inside the discussion board post. Do not attach as a document.

Step 4: Respond to a peer’s post. Your assigned response to a peer requirement is listed within the assignment table. Peer response will include:

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NR 601 Primary Care Of The Maturing And Aged Family Practicum Entire Course Week 1 to Week 8 Essay Assignment Paper

NR 601 Week 1 Weekly Clinical Goal (Collection)

Please respond to this required discussion by including the following:

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NR-601 Week 2 COPD Case Study Part 2 (Initial post, Faculty, Peer responses)


Problem-based learning is a methodology designed to help students develop the reasoning process … in clinical practice through problem solving actual patient problems in the same manner as they occur in practice. The purpose of this activity is to develop students’ clinical reasoning skills using a case-based learning exercise. Through participation in an online discussion forum, students identify learning issues in a self-directed manner which facilitates learning for the entire group.

Case Study – Part 2

You ordered a CXR and spirometry at the previous visit and he returns today to review the results. Physical exam and symptoms are … since last visit. Vital signs at this visit are: Temp-98.3, P-68, RR-20, BP 152/90, Height 68.9in., Weight 258 pounds, O2sat 94% on RA

CXR Result: No acute infiltrates or consolidations are seen. Cardiac and mediastinal silhouettes are normal. No hilar enlargement is evident. Osseous thorax is intact. Spirometry Results: … Continue


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NR 601 Primary Care Of The Maturing And Aged Family Practicum Entire Course Week 1 to Week 8 Essay Assignment Paper


NR 601 Week 2 COPD Case Study Part 1 (Initial post, Faculty, Peer responses)


Problem-based learning is a methodology … to help students develop the reasoning process used in clinical practice through problem solving actual patient problems in the same manner as they occur in practice.  The purpose of this activity is to develop students’ clinical reasoning skills using a case-based learning exercise. Through participation in an online discussion forum, students identify learning issues in a self-directed manner which facilitates learning for the entire group.  NR 601 Week 2 COPD Case Study Part 1

Case Study – Part 1

Date of visit: ….    A 62 year-old Caucasian male presents to the office with persistent cough and recent onset of shortness of breath. Upon further questioning you discover the following subjective information regarding the chief complaint ….. continue


  1. Briefly and concisely summarize the history and physical (H&P) findings as if you were presenting it to your preceptor using the pertinent facts from the case. May use approved medical abbreviations. Avoid redundancy and irrelevant information.
  2. Provide a differential diagnosis (minimum of 3) which might explain the patient’s chief complaint along with a brief statement (2-3 sentences) of pathophysiology for each.
  3. Analyze the differential by using the pertinent findings from the history and physical to argue for or against a diagnosis.
  4. Rank the differential in order of most likely to least likely.
  5. Identify any additional tests and/or procedures that you feel is necessary or needed to help you narrow your differential. All testing decisions must … supported with an evidence-based practice (EBP) argument as to why it is necessary or pertinent in this case. If no testing is .. , you must also support this decision with EBP evidence.

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NR 601 Primary Care Of The Maturing And Aged Family Practicum Entire Course Week 1 to Week 8 Essay Assignment Paper


NR 601 Week 2 Weekly Clinical Goal (Collection)

Please respond to this required discussion by including the following:

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NR 601 Week 3 Psychiatric Disorders and Screening (Collection)

  1. Research screening tools for depression and anxiety.

2. Identify your next step for evaluation and treatment for KB. Include any necessary physical medicine evaluation.

3. What medication, if any, would you recommend for treatment? Provide the rationale. This should include the medication class, mechanism of action of the medication and why this medication is appropriate for KB. Include initial prescribing information and education to include side effects and when KB should notice

4. If the medication works as expected, when should KB expect to start feeling better? Include an EBP reference to support this information.

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NR 601 Primary Care Of The Maturing And Aged Family Practicum Entire Course Week 1 to Week 8 Essay Assignment Paper


NR-601 Week 3 Test Your Knowledge

NR 601 Week 3 Test Your Knowledge 
  1. Question: The criteria for … generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), in the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition (DSM V), states that excessive worry or apprehension must be present more days than not for what length of time?
  2. Question: Which study has proven that onset of … anxiety disorder (GAD) is in childhood?
  3. Question: What is the first-line treatment for chronic insomnia?
  4. Question: Which medication is … as treatment in the maintenance of bipolar disorder?
  5. Question: A 57-year-old female presents to the office. She describes feeling irritable, difficulty concentrating, and difficulty falling and staying asleep. She states she is worried about her finances because her husband just lost his job. The nurse practitioner diagnoses anxiety. Which of the following is a first-line treatment for anxiety?

NR 601 Week 3 Test Your Knowledge 
  1. Question: Which medication is … as treatment in the maintenance of bipolar disorder?
  2. Question: Which study has proven that onset of … anxiety disorder (GAD) is in childhood?
  3. Question: What is the first line treatment for chronic insomnia?
  4. Question: What is a disadvantage of pharmacologic treatment of insomnia ?
  5. Question: Periods of increased activity, when the patient did not seem to need to sleep or reports of being very productive and not needing sleep, are symptoms of which of the following?

NR 601 Week 3 Test Your Knowledge 
  1. Question: What is the first-line treatment for chronic insomnia?
  2. Question: Which medication is … as a first-line treatment in the management of bipolar disorder?
  3. Question: The criteria for diagnosing generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), in the American Psychiatric Association’s Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition (DSM V), states that excessive worry or apprehension must be present more days than not for what length of time?
  4. Question: Symptoms of depression, which are distinct to the elderly, include which of the following?
  5. Question: Which study has proven that onset of … anxiety disorder (GAD) is in childhood?

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NR 601 Primary Care Of The Maturing And Aged Family Practicum Entire Course Week 1 to Week 8 Essay Assignment Paper


NR 601 Week 3 Weekly Clinical Goal

Please respond to this required discussion by including the following:

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NR 601 Week 4 Midterm Exam plus Study Material (Collection)

NR 601 Week 4 Midterm Exam & Study Material (Collection 2020)
NR-601 Week 4 Midterm Exam & Study Material (Collection 2019)
NR 601 Week 4 Midterm Exam & Study Material (Collection 2018)
NR 601 Midterm Exam Information: Questions and Answers
  1. Question: The percentage of the FVC expired in one second is:
  2. Question: The aging process causes what normal physiological changes in the heart?
  3. Question: A 55yo Caucasian male follows up after referral to cardiologist. He thinks his med is causing a cough and sometimes he has difficulty breathing. Which med was most likely prescribed?
  4. Question: JM is a 68yo man who presents for a physical. He has T2DM x5yrs, smokes 1/2 PPD, BMI is 30. No other previous medical dx, no current complaints. According to the AHA/ACC guidelines, JM is stage A HF. Treatment goals for him include:
  5. Question: MJ presents with h/o structural damage with current s/s of HF. Treatment will be based on his stage of HF, which is:
  6. Question: 65yo Caucasian female presents with mitral valve stenosis, physical exam unremarkable. You know her stage of HF is:
  7. Question: DG, 65yo man, presents for eval of CP and L-sided shoulder pain, beginning after strenuous activity, including walking. Pain is dull, aching, 8/10 during activity, otherwise 0/10. Began few mo ago, intermittent, aggravated by exercise, relieved by rest. Occasional nausea. Pain is retrosternal, radiating to L shoulder, affects QOL by limiting activity. Pain is worse today, did not go away after stopped walking. BP 120/80, HR 72 and regular. Normal heart sounds, no murmur, S1, S2. Which differential dx would be most likely?
  8. Question: The best way to dx structural heart dz/dysfunction non-invasively is:
  9. Question: Chronic pain can have major impact on pt’s ability to function and have profound impact on overall QOL. Ongoing pain may be linked to:
  10. Question:The Beers criteria are appropriate for use in evaluating use of certain meds in pts:
  11. Question:Pt presents with c/o increasing SOB, cough w/occasional white sputum, fatigue. As part of the plan you order labs. You know the likelihood of HF is low if the BNP is:
  12. Question:All of the following statements are true about lab values in older adults except:
  13. Question:According to the 2017 ACC HTN guidelines, the recommended BP goal for a 65yo African American woman w/a h/o HTN and DM and no h/o CKD is:
  14. Question:The pathophysiology of HF is due to:
  15. Question:A 60yo woman w/30 pack yr hx, presents for eval of persistent, daily cough w/increased sputum, worse in the AM, occurring over past 3 months. She tells you, “I have the same thing year after year.” Which of the following choices would you consider strongly in your critical thinking process?
  16. Question:JM is a 68yo man who presents for a physical. He has T2DM x5yrs, diet controlled. His BMI is 32. He has HTN, smoker (10 cigs/day x20yrs). He denies other medical problems. Fam hx includes CAD, CABG x4 for dad, now deceased; CHF, T2DM, HTN for mom. He is asymptomatic today, exam is normal, EKG NSR. According to AHA/ACC guidelines, JM is at risk for what stage of HF?
  17. Question:According to the 2017 ACC HTN guidelines, normal BP is:
  18. Question:Functional abilities are best assessed by:
  19. Question:LB is a 77yo pt w/chronic poorly controlled HTN. You know that goals include prevention of target organ damage. During your eval you will assess for evidence of:
  20. Question:Aortic regurgitation requires medical treatment for early signs of HF with:
  21. Question:The volume of air in the lungs at max inflation is:
  22. Question:Preferred amount of exercise for older adults is:
  23. Question:The total volume of air a pt is able to exhale in the first second during max effort is:
  24. Question:You know the following statements regarding the pain of acute coronary syndrome are true except:
  25. Question:Elderly pt presents w/new onset of feeling heart race, fatigue. EKG reveals afib w/rate >100. Pt also has a new tremor in both hands. Which of the following would you suspect?
  26. Question:62yo female c/o fatigue, lack of energy. Constipation increased, pt gained 10lbs in past 3mo. Depression is denied although pt reports lack of interest in usual hobbies. VS are WNL, skin is dry/cool. Which of the following must be included in the DD?
  27. Question: Black, 87yo, has been taking 100mcg Synthroid x10yrs. She comes for routine follow-up, feeling well. HR is 90. Your first response is to:
  28. Question:Which pt is most likely to have osteoporosis?
  29. Question:80yo underweight male who smokes and has been on steroids for psoriasis
  30. Question:When evaluating the expected outcome for hypothyroid elderly pt on levothyroxine, you will:
  31. Question:Postmenopausal woman w/osteoporosis is taking bisphosphonate daily PO. What action info statement would indicate she understood your instructions regarding this med?
  32. Question:Primary reason levothyroxine sodium is initiated at low dose in elderly pt w/hypothyroidism is to prevent which of the following untoward effects?
  33. Question:6mo ago an elderly pt was dx’d w/subclinical hypothyroidism. Today the pt returns and has TSH of 11 and c/o fatigue. He has taken Synthroid 25mcg daily as prescribed. What is the best course of action?
  34. Question:A fluoroquinolone (Cipro) is prescribed for a male pt w/a UTI. What should you teach him regarding this med?
  35. Question:Pt has been rx’d metformin (Glucophage). One wk later, he returns w/lowered BGL but c/o loose stools during the week. How should you respond?
  36. Question:Which of the following s/s of hyperthyroidism commonly manifest in younger populations, but is notably lacking in elderly?
  37. Question:60yo obese male has T2DM and lipid panel of TC = 250, HDL = 32, LDL = 165. You teach him about his modifiable cardiac risk factors, which include:
  38. Question:Diabetic pt presents w/R foot pain but denies any recent known injury. He states it has gotten progressively worse over past few months. On exam, vibratory sense, as well as sensation tested w/monofilament, was abnormal. Pt’s foot is warm, edematous, misshapen. You suspect Charcot foot. What intervention is indicated?
  39. Question:What is a s/s of insulin resistance that can present in African Americans?
  40. Question:During routine exam of 62yo female, you ID xanthelasma around both eyes. What is the significance of this?
  41. Question: White is 62yo, had CKD that has been relatively stable. He also has h/o hyperlipidemia, OA, HTN. He is compliant w/meds, BP has been well controlled on CCB. Last lipids showed: TC = 201, HDL = 40, TG = 180, LDL = 98. He currently takes Crestor 20mg daily. Today his BP is 188/90 and urine dip shows significant proteinuria. He denies changes in dietary habits or med regimen. What would be the best med change at this point?
  42. Question:You are working as NP in Fast Track of ER. 76yo male presents w/LUQ pain. There can be many conditions that present as LUQ pain, but which of the following is least likely to cause pain here?
  43. Question:Which is cardinal feature of failure to thrive?
  44. Question:Feeding gastrostomy tubes at end-of-life Alzheimer’s pt’s have been associated with:
  45. Question:Which of the following nutritional indicators is not an indication of poor nutritional status in elderly?
  46. Question:OA of cervical and lumbar spine causes pain related to all of the following except:
  47. Question:In differentiating OA from chronic gout, pseudogout, or septic arthritis, the most valuable diagnostic study would be:
  48. Question:Pt’s w/OA of hip and knee often have distinguishable gait described as:
  49. Question:Which of the following best describes pain associated w/OA?
  50. Question:Joint effusions typically occur later in the course of OA, especially in the:
  51. Question:Knee
  52. Question:You ordered CBC for your pt you suspect has polymyalgia rheumatica (PMR). Which 2 clinical findings are common in pt’s w/PMR?
  53. Question:You suspect your pt has PMR and now are concerned that they may have Giant Cell Arteritis (GCA) too. Which of the following 2 symptoms are most indicative of GCA and PMR?
  54. Question:63yo Caucasian pt w/PMR will begin Tx w/corticosteroids until the condition has resolved. You look over her records and it has been 2yrs since her last physical exam and any labs or diagnostic tests as she relocated and had not yet ID’d a provider. In prioritizing your management plan, your first orders should include:
  55. Question:Which of the following DD for pt’s presenting w/PMR can be ruled out w/a muscle biopsy?
  56. Question:In reviewing lab results for pt’s w/suspected PMR, you realize there is no definitive test to dx PMR, rather clinical response to Tx. Results you would expect to see include:
  57. Question:Which of the following is the most appropriate lab test for monitoring gout therapy over the long-term?
  58. Question:In providing health teaching related to dietary restrictions, you should advise a pt w/gout to avoid which of the following dietary items:
  59. Question:The best method of verifying gout dx in a joint is which of the following:
  60. Question:Joint aspiration and polarized-light microscopy
  61. Question:The most appropriate first-line Tx for acute gout flare is (assuming no kidney dz or elevated bleeding risk):
  62. Question:You order bilat wrist XR on 69yo man c/o pain both wrists x6 wks no related to any known trauma. You suspect early onset RA. The initial XR finding in a pt w/elderly onset RA would be:
  63. Question:A 72yo female has been dx’d w/gout. She also has h/o chronic HF. The most likely contributing factor to development of gout in this older female is:
  64. Question:Which of the following statements about OA is true?
  65. Question:It affects primarily wt-bearing joints
  66. Question:In considering the specificity of lab data, the most reliable diagnostic test listed below would be:
  67. Question:When examining the spine of an older adult you notice a curvature w/a sharp angle. This is referred to as a:
  68. Question:The prevalence of depression in nursing home residents is ___________ greater than adults living in the community.
  69. Question:The majority of depressed older adults remain untreated because of:
  70. Question:Symptoms of depression distinct to the elderly include:
  71. Question:The justification for ordering CBC, TSH, serum B12 for a pt you may suspect have clinical depression is:
  72. Question:One major difference that is useful in the DD of dementia versus delirium is that:
  73. Question:Which of the following is the most appropriate screening tool for delirium?
  74. Question:The proposed mechanism by which diphenhydramine causes delirium is:
  75. Question:The elderly are at high risk for delirium because of:
  76. Question:A consistent finding in delirium, regardless of cause, is:
  77. Question:Older adults w/dementia sometimes suffer from agnosia, which is defined as the inability to:
  78. Question:In late stages of dementia, a phenomenon called sun downing occurs, in which cognitive disturbances tend to:
  79. Question:Of the following, which one is the most useful clinical eval tool to assist in the dx of dementia?
  80. Question:The cornerstone of pharmacotherapy in treating Alzheimer’s is:
  81. Question:The comorbid psych problem w/the highest frequency in dementia is:
  82. Question:When treating depression associated w/dementia, which of the following would be a poor choice and should not be prescribed?
  83. Question:Which of the following should be avoided in countries where food and water precautions are to be observed?
  84. Question:What insect precautions are not necessary to prevent insect-borne dz’s in the tropics?
  85. Question:An example of secondary prevention you could recommend/order for older adults would be to:
  86. Question:Ali is a 72yo man who recently came to US from Nigeria. He reports having BCG (bacille Calmette-Guerin) vax as a child. Which of the following is correct regarding a TB skin test?
  87. Question:Leo is a 62yo African American male who comes in for an initial visit. Personal health hx includes smoking 1 PPD since 11yo, consuming a case of beer (24 bottles) every weekend, and working as an assembler (sedentary job) for the past 10yrs. Fam Hx in first-degree relatives includes HTN, high cholesterol, MI, T2DM. Leo’s BMI is 32. BP is 130/86. You order fasting glucose, lipid profile, and return visit for BP check. This is an example of:
  88. Question:A local chapter of NP organization has begun planning a community-based screening for HTN at a local congregate living facility. This population was selected on the basis of:
  89. Question:Performing ROM exercises on a pt who has had a CVA is an example of which level of prevention?
  90. Question:You demonstrate an understanding of primary prevention of falling among the elderly through which management plan?
  91. Question:An example of an active strategy of health promotion for an individual to accomplish would be:
  92. Question:The 4 main domains of clinical preventive services that you will provide are:
  93. Question:What is the appropriate method for TB screening of an older adult entering a nursing home?
  94. Question:Meds known to contribute to constipation include all of the following except:
  95. Question:All of the following are … contributors to dysphagia except:
  96. Question:The term “geriatric syndrome” is best … as:
  97. Question:The anal wink reflex is … to test:
  98. Question:Atypical presentation of acute coronary syndrome is:
  99. Question:What dz can mimic and often co-exists w/MI in elderly w/CAD?
  100. Question: Thoracic aortic dissection presents typically as:
  101. Question: Bordetella pertussis is best characterized by:
  102. Question: Routine testing of TB should occur in all of the following vulnerable populations except:
  103. Question: Which of the following statements about fluid balance in elderly is false?
  104. Question: Distinguishing delirium from dementia can be problematic since they may co-exist. The primary consideration in the DD is:
  105. Question: Presbystasis is best described as:
  106. Question: If dizziness has a predictable pattern associated w/it, you should first consider:
  107. Question: Evidence shows that the most important predictor of a fall is:
  108. Question: The most cost-effective interventions used to prevent falls are:
  109. Question: Home modifications and vit D supplements
  110. Question: Chronic fatigue syndrome is best … as:
  111. Question: Fatigue lasting longer than 6mo and not relieved by rest
  112. Question: Which form of HA is bilat?
  113. Question: Tension
  114. Question: Microscopic hematuria is … as:
  115. Question: 3 or more RBCs on 3 or mor samples of urine
  116. Question: Risk factors associated with the finding of a malignancy in a pt w/hemoptysis include all of the following except:
  117. Question: Recent wt loss is … as:
  118. Question: The most common cause of disability in elderly is due to:
  119. Question: Lipedema is best … as:
  120. Question: Drug-induced pruritis is distinguished because it:
  121. Question: A form of syncope that is more common in elderly than in younger adults is:
  122. Question: All of the following statements about tremor are true except:
  123. Question: Overflow incontinence is usually … with:
  124. Question: Wandering is best … as:
  125. Question: A key symptom of ischemic heart dz is CP. However, angina equivalents may include exertional dyspnea. Angina equivalents are important because:
  126. Question: Which test is clinical standard for assessment of aortic stenosis?
  127. Question: Ischemic heart dz is:
  128. Question: Preceding a stress test, the following lab work might include:
  129. Question: On exam, what type of murmur can be auscultated w/aortic regurg?
  130. Question: Which of the following statements is true regarding anti-arrhythmic drugs?
  131. Question: In mitral stenosis, p waves may suggest:
  132. Question: Aortic regurg requires medical tx for early signs of CHF with:
  133. The best evidence rating drugs in a post-MI pt include:
  134. Question: 55yo post-menopausal woman with h/o HTN c/o jaw pain on heavy exertion. No c/o CP. EKG is NSR w/out ST segment abnormalities. Your plan may include:
  135. Question: What is the most common valvular heart dz in elderly?
  136. Question: Elderly may present with atypical clinical signs of pna. You need to be aware that clustering of all of the following s/s may indicate pna in the elderly except for:
  137. Question: A common auscultatory finding in CHF is:
  138. Question: The most common organism responsible for CAP in the elderly is:
  139. Question: 72yo woman and her husband are driving cross-country. After a long day of driving, they stop to eat. Midway through the meal, the woman becomes very SOB w/CP and a sense of panic. Which problem is most likely?
  140. Question: Exercise … for elderly should include activities that:
  141. Question: Preferred amount of exercise for elderly is:
  142. Question: Which of the following medical conditions is not … restrictive for engaging in physical activity?
  143. Question: The best … for a pt who says they have no equipment to exercise is:
  144. Question: When you recommend exercise for elderly, which of the following pieces of advice should … considered for all types of exercise?
  145. Question: All of the following statements are true about lab values in the elderly except:
  146. Question: Biochemical individuality is best … as:
  147. Question: All the following statements about drug absorption are false except:
  148. Question: The cytochrome p system involves enzymes that are generally:
  149. Question: A statement not shown to be true about pharmacodynamic changes with aging is:
  150. Question: The major impact of the physiological changes that occur w/aging is:
  151. Question: The strongest evidence regarding normal physiological aging is available through:
  152. Question: Pharmacokinetic changes w/aging is reflective of:
  153. Question: All of the following statements are true about drug distribution in the elderly except:
  154. Question: Men have faster and more efficient biotransformation of drugs and this is thought to be due to:
  155. Question: Atypical presentation of dz in elderly is reflected by all the following except:

    NR 601 Primary Care Of The Maturing And Aged Family Practicum Entire Course Week 1 to Week 8 Essay Assignment Paper

    Question: Polypharmacy is best … as taking:

  1. Question: What is the major difference between varicose veins and atherosclerosis?
  2. Question: Pt has had poorly controlled HTN >10yrs. Indicate the most likely position of his PMI.
  3. Question: 43yo hispanic male has audible diastolic murmur best heard at the mitral point. No audible click. He … monitored for 2yrs. What is the most likely murmur?
  4. Question: What are PFTs?
  5. Question: What is FEV1?
  6. Question: What is FVC?
  7. Question: What is normal FEV1/FVC ratio?
  8. Question: What is GOLD 1 criteria?
  9. Question: What is GOLD 2 criteria?
  10. Question: What is GOLD 3 criteria?
  11. Question: What is GOLD 4 criteria?
  12. Question: What are the signal symptoms of COPD?
  13. Question: What are characteristics of COPD?
  14. Question: What are risk factors for COPD?
  15. Question: What is … on phys exam in COPD?
  16. Question: How is COPD … ?
  17. Question: How is COPD … ?
  18. Question: What is the MOA of beta agonists?
  19. Question: What is the MOA of anticholinergics?
  20. Question: Why are long-acting beta agonists prescribed for COPD?
  21. Question: What are some non pulmonary diagnoses that result in COPD-type symptoms?
  22. Question: What are some Hyperventilation syndrome
  23. Question: What are signal symptoms of asthma?
  24. Question: What is chronic bronchitis?
  25. Question: What is emphysema?
  26. Question: What are signal symptoms of ischemic heart dz?
  27. Question: What is ischemic heart dz?
  28. Question: What are signal symptoms of lung CA?
  29. Question: What is lung CA?
  30. Question: What are signal symptoms of MI?
  31. Question: What is an MI?
  32. Question: What are signal symptoms of pneumonia?
  33. Question: What is community … pneumonia?
  34. Question: What are signal symptoms of a PE?
  35. Question: What is PE description?
  36. Question: What are signal symptoms of tuberculosis?
  37. Question: What is tuberculosis?
  38. Question: What are signal symptoms of valvular heart dz?
  39. Question: What is aortic stenosis?
  40. Question: What is aortic regurgitation?
  41. Question: What is mitral stenosis?
  42. Question: What is mitral regurgitation?
  43. Question: What is mitral valve prolapse?
  44. Question: What are most common causes of VHD in elderly?
  45. Question: What happens in valvular regurgitation?
  46. Question: What happens in valvular stenosis?
  47. Question: What are signal symptoms of URI?
  48. Question: What is a URI?
  49. Question: What are signal symptoms of restrictive lung dz?
  50. Question: What is restrictive lung dz?
  51. Question: What is the purpose of functional assessment of the elderly?
  52. Question: What can ongoing pain be linked to in the elderly?
  53. Question: Is chronic pain a normal sign of aging?
  54. Question: What is polypharmacy?
  55. Question: What is Stage A of HF?
  56. Question: What is Stage B HF?
  57. Question: What is Stage C HF?
  58. Question: What is Stage D HF?
  59. Question: What are treatment goals for Stage A HF?
  60. Question: What are drugs … in Stage A HF?
  61. Question: What are treatment goals for Stage B HF?
  62. Question: What are drugs … in Stage B HF?
  63. Question: What are goals of Stage C HFpEF?
  64. Question: What is treatment for Stage C HFpEF?
  65. Question: What are treatment goals for Stage C HFrEF?
  66. Question: What are drugs … in Stage C HFrEF?
  67. Question: Drugs in selected pts:
  68. Question: Procedures in selected pts:
  69. Question: What are treatment goals in Stage D HF?
  70. Question: What are options for Stage D HF?
  71. Question: What is the normal BNP level?
  72. Question: What is normal BP?
  73. Question: What is “elevated” BP?
  74. Question: What is Stage 1 HTN?
  75. Question: What is Stage 2 HTN?
  76. Question: What is … BP for DM?
  77. Question: What is … BP for CKD?
  78. Question: How should HTN be managed?
  79. Question: What is first-line meds for non-black HTN population (including those w/DM)?
  80. Question: What is the med guideline for ASCVD for those </= 75yo?
  81. Question: What is the med guideline for ASCVD for those >75yo?
  82. Question: What is the guideline for meds for LDL >/= 190?
  83. Question: What is the med guideline for ASCVD for 40-75yo w/DM?
  84. Question: What is the med guideline for LDL 70-189?
  85. Question: What is the ASCVD med guideline for 40-75yo w/out ASCVD or DM?
  86. Question: The meds listed in Beers Criteria are not absolutely contraindicated in elderly.
  87. Question: The BC recommendations are graded as high, medium, low to assist w/decision making.
  88. Question: The BC list includes dosage adjustments for kidney impairment.
  89. Question: The BC list includes drug to drug interactions to avoid.
  90. Question: Responsible prescribing is an important role of NP and BC can assist in determining the safest meds for geri pts.
  91. Question: What vaccination is … for people traveling to countries where dz is common?
  92. Question: How is Hep A vax … ?
  93. Question: When is Hep B vax … ?
  94. Question: How is Hep B vax … ?
  95. Question: When is Zostavax … ?
  96. Question: Can people who have had prior episode of zoster … vaccinated?
  97. Question: When is flu vax … ?
  98. Question: When should DTaP be … ?
  99. Question: When is pneumococcal vax … ?
  100. Question: What is primary prevention?
  101. Question: What is osteoporosis?
  102. Question: What are s/s of osteoporosis?
  103. Question: What are diagnostic tests for osteoporosis?
  104. Question: What is T-score of -2.5 or lower indicative of?
  105. Question: What is a T-score of -1.0 to -2.5 indicative of?
  106. Question: What is a T-score of -1.0 or higher indicative of?
  107. Question: What is a Z-score of <-1.5 indicative of?
  108. Question: What are the risk factors for osteoporosis?
  109. Question: What is the treatment for osteoporosis?
  110. Question: How does chronic pain differ from acute pain?

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NR 601 Primary Care Of The Maturing And Aged Family Practicum Entire Course Week 1 to Week 8 Essay Assignment Paper

NR-601 Week 4 Clinical VISE Assignment (Collection)


The VISE assignment (Virtual Interactive Student Evaluation) is to evaluate student progress in clinical, based on per course clinical objectives.  This will be a mid-term check to identify and assist students who may be struggling with clinical critical thinking and communication.  Students who do not pass the VISE on the first attempt will be placed on a clinical PIP and given a second attempt at passing the VISE prior to course end.  The student must successfully pass the VISE to pass clinical within a course.


These will be done by phone between the VP and the student sometime between the beginning of Week 3 and the end of Week 5. Immediately following the VISE the VP and student will do the mid-term phone call check in and review of clinical. VPs should have clinical logs pulled up to review with the student.

601 VISE-This virtual check builds upon skills learned in NR 511 and emphasizes appropriate conversation with patients, succinct data gathering, and the patient clinical experience.  The VP will enter the student’s clinical logs and pick one patient (with a minor acute illness) that the student has documented from clinical.  The VP will then review that log and note with the student that the patient is calling back for one of the following.

The job of the student in this situation is not necessarily to pick treatmen. But to data gather with the patient so that an appropriate decision can … made. And also provide patient education on homecare or follow up

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NR 601 Week 4 Weekly Clinical Goals

Please respond to this required discussion by including the following:

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NR 601 Primary Care Of The Maturing And Aged Family Practicum Entire Course Week 1 to Week 8 Essay Assignment Paper

NR 601 Week 5 Case Study Assignment (Collection Multiple Versions)

NR 601 Week 5 Case Study Assignment: Subjective, Objective Info Using National Diabetes Guidelines


NR-601 Week 5 Case Study Assignment: Mrs R., 56-Year Old Hispanic Female

The purpose of this case study is to present Mrs. R., a 56- year old Hispanic female, follow up visit in the clinic with the chief complaint of fatigue and weight gain. The onset of Mrs. R’s symptoms began three months ago. She reports going to the gym and exercising twice a week, at the gym she walks on the treadmill for 30 minutes in the effort of losing weight in which she has not lost any weight.

The purpose of this case study is the analysis of objective and subjective findings in order to diagnose and construct a plan of management of Mrs. R’s chief complaint. To include the National Diabetes Guidelines which will be applied to the patient’s management plan.

This paper will comprise of primary diagnosis, secondary diagnosis and differential diagnosis for Mrs. R, along with a plan for management and treatment of the primary diagnosis, secondary diagnosis, and the differential diagnosis. Involving diagnostics, medications, education, referrals and follow-up care. Furthermore, this paper will include the discussion of medication cost of all prescribed and ( OTC) over- the- counter medications.

NR 601 Week 5 Case Study Assignment: Mr. Jones 57 year old African American male

he purpose of this assignment is a review of the case study of Mr. Jones, a 57 year old African American male who has returned to the clinic for a follow up visit regarding his hyperlipidemia and weight loss. Today Mr. Jones has reported an increase in fatigue, a weight gain of eight pounds, increased hunger, increased thirst, increased urination, and waking often at night to urinate.

The case study is to analyzed regarding subjective and objective data presented in the case study in order to form an appropriate … and develop a management plan. The American Diabetes Association Diabetes Care guideline (2018) will be utilized in developing the diagnosis and patient care plan.

Lastly, a SOAP note will … provided to compile the data discussed in a succinct manner for easy interpretation.

NR 601 Primary Care Of The Maturing And Aged Family Practicum Entire Course Week 1 to Week 8 Essay Assignment Paper

NR-601 Week 5 Case Study Assignment: Mrs G., 56-Year Old Hispanic Female

This case study implies to Mrs. G whom is a 56-year-old Hispanic female with complaints of fatigue, weight gain, hunger, thirst, and frequent urination.

A primary, secondary and differential diagnoses for Mrs. G will … identified and discussed throughout the paper based on symptoms and laboratory results. Specifically, diabetes mellitus type II (primary), hyperlipidemia (secondary), and possible hormonal imbalance such as estrogen deficiency (differential diagnosis) are among the specific diagnoses to … mentioned along with a brief pathophysiology, pertinent positives, and pertinent negatives.

Additionally, an assessment, evidence-based practice, plan of diagnostics, medications, education, referrals, follow ups, and medication cost will be included in the case study.

NR 601 Week 5 Case Study Assignment: Mrs Wu., 59- Year Old Asian Female

The purpose of this case study is to present Mrs. Wu., a 59- year old Asian female, who presented to clinic to follow up with her recent diagnosis of right knee arthritis. However, her chief complaints for this visit is increased fatigue and weight gain.

The onset of Mrs. Wu’s symptoms began 12 weeks ago. She reports going to the health club and exercising twice a week, at the gym she walks on the treadmill for 30 minutes and lifts light weights in the effort of losing weight in which she has not lost any weight in fact she gained 4 pounds. She also reports, exercise seems to make her even more hungry and thirsty. She also reports, urinating more frequently in the past three months.

The purpose of this case study is the analysis the objective and subjective findings in order to diagnose and construct a plan of management for Mrs. Wu’s chief complaint. In this paper, the National Diabetes Guidelines will be applied to the patient’s management plan.

This paper will comprise of primary diagnosis, secondary diagnosis and differential diagnosis for Mrs. Wu, along with a plan for management and treatment of the primary diagnosis, secondary diagnosis, and the differential diagnosis. Involving diagnostics, medications, education, referrals and follow-up care. Furthermore, this paper will include the discussion of medication cost of all prescribed and (OTC) over- the- counter medications and SOAP note.

NR 601 Primary Care Of The Maturing And Aged Family Practicum Entire Course Week 1 to Week 8 Essay Assignment Paper

NR-601 Week 5 Case Study Assignment: Mrs Wong 59 Year-old Female

The purpose of this assignment is to review a case study involving the patient, Mrs. Wong, who is a 59 year-old female of Asian descent presenting to the clinic to follow up for her prior diagnosis of arthritis of the right knee.

This extensive review includes multiple topics including primary, secondary, and differential diagnosis, management and treatment plans of each of these diagnosis, diagnostic testing, medication review and prescription, patient education, as well as consultations and referrals and follow up care for the patient.

In addition, we will also discuss contributing factors such as medication cost for prescription as well as over the counter medications, possible barriers to treatment, and will also include a clinical chart SOAP note for this patient.

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NR-601 Week 5 and Week 6 Study Summary for Quiz

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NR 601 Primary Care Of The Maturing And Aged Family Practicum Entire Course Week 1 to Week 8 Essay Assignment Paper

NR-601 Week 5 Test Your Knowledge

  1. Question: Which of the following laboratory results meets criteria for diagnosis of diabetes?
  2. Question: Which “P” is a component of “the 3 P’s” of diabetes mellitus?
  3. Question: A patient with Type 2 diabetes comes to the clinic after reading a magazine article about metformin and has some concerns about taking metformin. Which condition listed below would be a contraindication to taking metformin?
  4. Question: The nurse practitioner student is reviewing the lab results from an annual an annual exam. The CMP fasting glucose was 128 mg/dL. What is the nurse practitioner student’s next action?
  5. Question: A newly diagnosed patient with Type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) is 66 inches in height. The patient’s weight is 200 lbs, and the A1c is 7.1%. What is the best initial treatment?

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NR 601 Week 5 Weekly Clinical Goal

Two clinical goals include:

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NR 601 Primary Care Of The Maturing And Aged Family Practicum Entire Course Week 1 to Week 8 Essay Assignment Paper

NR-601 Week 6 Post-Menopausal & Sexuality Issues in the Maturing & Older Adult (Collection)

Ageism and gender bias can affect who and how we ask about sexual health, sexual activity, and concerning symptoms. Depending on your own level of comfort and cultural norms this can be a tough conversation for some providers. But this is an important topic and as our videos discussed, women are wanting us to ask about sexual concerns. This week we also reviewed sexually transmitted diseases and the effects of ageism on time to diagnosis so it is necessary to ask these questions and provide good education for all patients. You will not know any needs unless you ask.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Review the required NAMS videos. What was the most surprising thing you learned about in the videos? Explain why it was surprising.
  2. What is GSM? What body systems are involved? How does this affect a woman’s quality of life?
  3. What treatment does Dr Shapiro recommend?
  4. Review one aspect of treatment that Dr Shapiro recommends and include an EBP journal article or guideline recommendation in addition to referencing the video in your response.

Sexuality and the older adult

  1. What is your level of comfort in taking a complete sexual history? Is this comfort level different for male or female patients? If so, why?
  2. How will this information impact the way you will interact with your mature and elderly clients?

NR 601 Primary Care Of The Maturing And Aged Family Practicum Entire Course Week 1 to Week 8 Essay Assignment Paper

Discussion Guiding Principles

The ideas and beliefs underpinning the discussions guide students through engaging dialogues as they achieve the desired learning outcomes/competencies associated with their course in a manner that empowers them to organize, integrate, apply and critically appraise their knowledge to their selected field of practice. The use of discussions provides students with opportunities to contribute level appropriate knowledge and experience to the topic in a safe, caring, and fluid environment that models professional and social interaction. The ebb and flow of a discussion is based upon the composition of generates opportunities for students to actively engage in the written ideas of others by carefully reading, researching, reflecting, and responding to the contributions of their peers and course faculty. Discussions foster the development of members into a community of learners as they share ideas and inquiries, consider perspectives that may be different from their own, and integrate knowledge from other disciplines.

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NR-601 Week 6 Test Your Knowledge

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NR 601 Week 6 Weekly Clinical Goal

Please respond to this required discussion by including the following:

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NR-601 Week 7 Reflection (Collection Multiple Versions)

Reflect back over the past eight weeks and describe how the achievement of the course outcomes in this course have prepared you to meet the MSN program outcome #5, the MSN Essential VIII, and the Nurse Practitioner Core Competency # 8 Ethics Competencies.

Nursing Program Outcome #5

Advocates for positive health outcomes through compassionate, evidence-based, collaborative advanced nursing practice. (Extraordinary nursing) 

NR 601 Primary Care Of The Maturing And Aged Family Practicum Entire Course Week 1 to Week 8 Essay Assignment Paper

Masters Essential VIII: Clinical Prevention and Population Health for Improving Health

  1. Design patient-centered and culturally responsive strategies in the delivery of clinical prevention and health promote on interventions and/or services to individuals, families, communities, and aggregates/clinical populations.
  2. Integrate clinical prevention and population health concepts in the development of culturally relevant and linguistically appropriate health education, communication strategies, and interventions. 

NONPF: #8 Ethics Competencies

  1. Integrates ethical principles in decision making.
  2. Evaluates the ethical consequences of decisions.
  3. Applies ethically sound solutions to complex issues related to individuals, populations and systems of care 

Review the assignment rubric for specific requirements for this reflection post.

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NR 601 Week 7 Test Your Knowledge

NR 601 Week 7 Test Your Knowledge
  1. Question: Which of the following can present as a single episode of recurrent feeling of pervasive sadness?
  2. Question: Which neurological change presents with an acute change in mental status?
  3. Question: Which type of dementia has the highest incidence?
  4. Question: Which of the following presents with an insidious onset over months to years?
  5. Question: An elderly patient arrives with her daughter for an appointment. The mother reports the daughter will not provide assistance with her activities of daily living. As a result the mother has poor hygiene, has lost weight, and is not taking medications as prescribed. The nurse practitioner diagnoses the patient with which of the following?

NR 601 Week 7 Test Your Knowledge
  1. Question: An elderly patient arrives with her daughter for an appointment. The mother reports the daughter will not provide assistance with her activities of daily living. As a result the mother has poor hygiene, has lost weight, and is not taking medications as prescribed. The nurse practitioner diagnoses the patient with which of the following?
  2. Question: Which type of dementia has the highest incidence?
  3. Question: According to the Alzheimer’s disease reasoning algorithm, what is the next step for patients without impairment of multiple cognitive functions?
  4. Question: Which of the following presents with an insidious onset over months to years?
  5. Question: Which neurological change presents with an acute change in mental status?

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NR 601 Primary Care Of The Maturing And Aged Family Practicum Entire Course Week 1 to Week 8 Essay Assignment Paper

NR-601 Week 7 Weekly Clinical Goal

Please respond to this required discussion by including the following:

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NR 601 Week 8 Comprehensive Final Exam Guide & Practice Questions


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NR-601 Week 8 Final Exam (Study Guide & Review Collection)

NR 601 Final Exam Review: PowerPoint

The NR 601 exam is worth 200 points or 20% of your overall grade. Must be completed before midnight on Saturday of week 8. In:

Week 1 the required readings included: ……….continue
Week 2 topics included ……….continue
Week 3 Health promotion is discussed in Kennedy-Malone Chapter 2 ……….continue
Week 4 Review Chapter 12 of Kennedy –Malone et al ……….continue
Week 5 In week 5 the focus was diabetes ……….continue
Week 6 GU and GYN Disorders ……….continue
Week 7 Kennedy Malone readings and lecture ……….continue
Week 8 Review the presentation ……….continue

NR 601 Final Exam Review: Grading of the Exam

Purpose of the exam:

The final exam covered weeks 1-8 content and addressed the following course objectives:……………….continue. Questions on the exam are taken from a question pool and did address all the following domains from Foundations of Advanced Practice and Independent Practice: assessment, diagnosis, planning and evaluation.

Students Strengths: Overall, students did well regarding the following content areas (new areas not previously assessed )

Student Weaknesses:  Overall, students struggled with the content areas below. Please be sure to review the lessons as well as the assigned chapters for clarification.

Questions which were thrown out: This means you will receive credit for the question if you chose the wrong answer.

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NR 601 Week 8 Final Exam

  1. Question: Which of the following statements is NOT true about palliative care teams?
  2. Question: A 55-year-old women has type 2 DM she had three UTIs in the last 9 months and she is concerned about her kidneys. She has no report of dysuria, frequency or urgency at this time. Which of the following is the best action to follow?
  3. Question: According to the sexuality presentation, atrophic vaginitis (AV)
  4. Question: L 55-year-old women with BMI of 28, has 20-year hx of primary HTN and has been on hydrochlorothiazide 25 mg daily for years with excellent response. During follow up visit Mrs L reports that for the last 6 months she has felt thirsty all of the time even though she drinks at least 10 glasses of water a day. Upon chart review the N notes that the last two fasting blood glucose levels have been 136 mg/dl and 165 mg/dl. The NP checks a random blood glucose, which is 210 mg/dl. What is the next appropriate test?
  5. Question: A patient has been prescribed Metformin (Glucophage). One week later he returns with lowered blood sugars but complaints of some loose stools during the week. How should the NP respond?
  6. Question: A 60-year-old obese male client has type 2 DM and a lipid panel of TC= 250, HDL = 32, LDL= 165. The NP teaches the patient about his modifiable cardiac risk factors which include:
  7. Question: Lifestyle approaches to postmenopausal symptom management include
  8. Question: When treating depression associated with dementia, which of the following would … a poor choice and should not … prescribed?
  9. How does women’s anatomy make them more susceptible to UTIs?
  10. Question: Don’t have
  11. Question: Don’t have
  12. Question: A 48-year-old male patient screened for diabetes has a fasting plasma glucose level of 120 mg/dl. The NP plan includes
  13. Question: Which of the following assessments are commonly noted in a client with Parkinson’s disease?
  14. Question: A 76-year-old man is seen in the office for c/o urinary incontinence. The clinician should explore which of these causes of incontinence in men?
  15. Question: Which of the following maneuvers is contraindicated in acute prostatis?
  16. Question: N a 65-year-old women with BMI of 29 on Medicare , has a 20-year hx of primary HTN and has been on HCTZ 25 mg daily for years , reports that for the past 6 months she has felt thirsty all of the time even though she drinks at least 10 glasses of water a day. Upon charting NP notes that the last two fasting blood glucose levels  have been 136 mg/dl and 165 mg/dl. What actions should the NP perform next?
  17. Question: According to the WHO analgesic ladder, which drug combination would … most appropriate in an opiate-naïve patient who presents with moderate pain?
  18. Question: The cornerstone of pharmacotherapy in treating Alzheimer’s disease is :
  19. Question: The highest level of evidence to support interventions at the end of life is with:
  20. Question: The comorbid psychiatric problem with the highest frequency in dementia is:
  21. Question: All of the following are true statements regarding elder abuse EXCEPT:
  22. Question: Which of the following is a role of the advanced nurse in ?????
  23. Question: The proposed mechanism by which diphenhydramine causes delirium is:
  24. Question: A drug that can … used to treat two very common symptoms in a dying patient (pain and dyspnea) is :
  25. Question: According to the Palliative Care presentation, hospice care may … provided to:
  26. Question: A 68-year-old women is being worked up for stress incontinence. UA reveals positive leukocyte esterase, positive nitrites, 15 WBCs, no RBS, no protein, no casts. She denies frequency, urgency, suprapubic pressure or urgency. What is the first treatment for her US results?
  27. Question: The elderly are at higher risk for delirium because of:
  28. Question: A 63-year-old man is seen in the clinic with a c/o nocturia. Which of the following should … included in the differential diagnosis?
  29. Question: A 75-year-old man is being treated as an outpatient for metastatic prostate cancer. Which of the following statements is true regarding the management of pain with opioids in the elderly?
  30. Question: The highest level of evidence with the use of adjuvant analgesics is with:
  31. Question: The 56-year-old man with chronic prostatis should initially … treated with antibiotics for how long?
  32. Question: A 50-year-old female patient screened for diabetes has a fasting plasma glucose level of 124 mg/dl. The NP plan includes:
  33. Question: When assessing a patient who complains of a tremor, the NP must differentiate essential tremor from the tremor of Parkinson’s disease. Which of the following findings are consistent with essential tremor?
  34. Question: Which characteristic of delirium helps to distinguish it from dementia?
  35. Question: According to the sexuality presentation, the biggest barrier to appropriate sexual evaluation in the older patient:
  36. Question: Smith a 65-year-old women presents to the clinic for the first time and c/o UI and dyspareunia, she went through menopause 10 years ago without any hormone replacement therapy and had a hysterectomy for fibroid. Her mother had a hip fracture at 82, pt had mammogram 5 years ago and no known fam hx of breast cancer……you decide to begin topical hormone replacement therapy. Which of the following evaluations would … necessary prior initiating hormone replacement therapy?
  37. Question: A experienced a brief onset of right-sided weakness, slurred speech and confusion yesterday. The symptom has resolved. What should the NP do?
  38. Question: Any women with a complicated cystitis or symptoms of upper tract disease needs a urine culture and
  39. Question: All of the following patients have a risk of adverse reaction from Metformin except:
  40. Question: A middle-aged patient has been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. What influences the NP’s decision to begin pharmacological treatment for this patient?
  41. Question: Which of the following medications can blunt the signs of hypoglycemia in diabetes?
  42. Question: The Mini-cog is a short screening tool used to assess cognition. Which of the following statements pertaining to the test is a true statement?
  43. Question: What is a sign of insulin resistance that can present in African American patients?
  44. Question: Age related changes in bladder, urethra and ureters include all of the following in older women except:
  45. Question: The majority of patients enrolled in hospice care die:
  46. Question: Diabetes is the leading cause of:
  47. Question: A male pt with a BMI of 30 presents to the office for an annual exam. You ordered a CMP as part of routine labs. The fasting glucose was 130. Your next action is:
  48. Question: A pelvic mass in a postmenopausal woman:
  49. Question: A 65-year-old Hispanic woman presents to the office for routine follow up for her DM2. Her routine UA results are as follows: few epithelial cells, negative leukocytes, negative nitrates, negative protein, no ketones. Which test would you order next?
  50. Question: Hospice services and palliative services are underutilized due to:
  51. Question: Which of the following would … an appropriate treatment for a patient with mild BPH?
  52. Question: The most common neurological cause of seizures in an older adult is:
  53. Question: A 68-year-old women presents with a c/o urine leakage whenever she sneezes, laughs, or strains for the past 4 months. She denies dysuria, frequency and nocturia. US dipsticks is negative for RBCs, leukocytes esterase, nitrites, ketones and urobilinogen. What is the diagnosis?
  54. Question: The tasks of grieving include all of the following EXCEPT:
  55. Question: Acanthosis nigrans is associated with all of the following conditions except:
  56. Question: Which of the following statements is true regarding pain?
  57. Question: A 51-year-old male pt screened for diabetes has a fasting plasma glucose level of 98 mg/dl. The NP plan includes:
  58. Question: Increased risk factors for erectile dysfunction include all EXCEPT:
  59. Question: When assessing an elderly client who reports a tremor, which assessment findings would … most reliable in identifying Parkinson’s disease?
  60. Question: Which of the following is the most appropriate screening tool for delirium?
  61. Question: An 82-year-old man is seen in the primary care office with complaints of dribbling urine, difficulty starting his stream. Which of the following should … included in the list of differential diagnosis?
  62. Question: The patient with BPH is seen for follow up. He has been taking finasteride(Proscar) for 6 months. The clinician should assess this patient for which of the side effects?
  63. Question: Hospice care differs from palliative care in that:
  64. Question: According to the genitourinary presentation, the number 1 risk factor for urinary incontinence is:
  65. Question: The firs step in treating delirium is to:
  66. Question: Which of the listed conditions is most likely to cause delirium?
  67. Question: You are working up a 52-year-old patient for microscopic hematuria. Your differential diagnosis list includes all of the following EXCEPT:
  68. Question: Don’t have
  69. Question: A 55-year-old Caucasian man with type 2 DM presents to the clinic a as new pt. he takes metformin 500 mg twice a day. His last Hgb A1C was 7%. He is up to date on eye and foot examinations. His BP is 142/96. According to JNC8, what is the most appropriate medication?
  70. Question: Delirium is typically characterized by all of the following except:
  71. Question: An 80-year-old female widow asks her NP about hospice enrolment. Her diagnosis includes congestive HF, HTN and DM2. She has noticed that in the last month she has lower extremity edema and she is finding it difficult to walk to the grocery store and church, she does not use oxygen. She is able to maintain her home but requires more frequent rest after vacuuming. She does not wish to … admitted to the hospital again in the future but if admitted wants to remain full code status. Why is this patient NOT appropriate for hospice?
  72. Question: Jean a 42-year-old, presents to the clinic with c/o dysuria, frequency and strong odor of her urine for 5 days. This is the second occurrence this year. What is the appropriate next step to this patient?
  73. Question: All of the following patients should … screened for diabetes EXCEPT:
  74. Question: A male patient with a BMI of 33 presents to the office with c/o fatique, excessive hunger and excessive thirst. You suspect type 2 DM . initial testing to confirm diagnosis can include:
  75. Question: An 87-year-old tells the NP that his grandson locks him in his bedroom when he goes out. The grandson withholds food if the patient does not give him money every week. The patient appears frail, ungroomed, and his clothes are visibly dirty and smell of urine. Which of the following is the best action for NP?
  76. Question: The leading cause of death in elderly travelers worldwide is:
  77. Question: The majority of depressed older adults remain untreated because of :
  78. Question: When examining the spine of an older adult you notice a curvature with a sharp angle. This is referred to as a:
  79. Question: Which of the following patients has the highest risk for the development of osteoporosis?
  80. Question: When assessing a patient’s mental health, the NP knows:
  81. Question: You are working with an older male adult with a long hx of alcohol abuse and a 30-year hx of smoking. In recommending an intervention for this client, your responsibility is to:
  82. Question: The pathophysiology of heart failure is due to:
  83. Question: The leading cause of disability worldwide is:
  84. Question: Which of the following patients has the highest risk for the development of osteoporosis?
  85. Question: G is a 65-year-old Caucasian female who presents for her yearly physical. A review of her chart reveals she smokes 1 pack of cigarettes a day, and drinks 2 beers every evening since she retired. She does not exercise, she likes to sit and knit. The NP know the NONMODIFIABLE risk factor for osteoporosis for Mrs. G is :
  86. Question: The NP orders bilateral wrist X-rays on a 69-year-old gentleman c/o of pain in both wrists for the past 6 weeks not related to any known trauma. The NP suspects elderly onset RA. The initial radiographic finding in a patient with elderly onset RA would:
  87. Question: The NP is reviewing a patient chart prior to the start of the encounter. The NP notes that the patient is using topical CAPSAICIN. The NP knows that topical capsaicin id often used for treatment of:
  88. Question: Which of the following statements about OA is true?
  89. Question: MJ presents to the clinic with the following hx and presentation: hx of structural damage with current s/s of HF. Treatment will … based on MJs stage of HF which is:
  90. Question: Dietary supplements such as Omega 3 (fish oils) are often taken for cardioprotective benefit. The NP knows regarding Omega 3 consumption:
  91. Question: A 55-year-old Caucasian male pt follows up with you after referral to a cardiologist. The pt reports he thinks the medication is causing cough and sometimes he has difficulty breathing, which of the following medication was most likely prescribed?
  92. Question: The prevalence of depression in nursing home residents is _____greater than adults living in the community:
  93. Question: The NP orders bilateral wrist Xrays on a 69-year-old gentleman c/o of pain in both wrists for the past 6 weeks not related to any known trauma. The NP suspects elderly onset RA. The initial radiographic finding in a patient with elderly onset RA would …:
  94. Question: The NP knows that the goal of treatment for anxiety should:
  95. Question: All of the following statements are true regarding anxiety EXCEPT:
  96. Question: Which of the following best describes the pain associated with OA?
  97. Question: Which organism that can … prevented by immunization is most often responsible for infectious outbreak in the nursing home setting?
  98. Question: JK 60 year old women comes to the office today for evaluation of mgmt. plan of her c/o insomnia….. she wakes up after about 4 hrs and cannot return to sleep. The next step in treatment of insomnia is:
  99. Question: You have ordered a CBC for your patient you suspect has PMR. Which two clinical findings are common in pt with PMR?
  100. Question: PG is a 58-year-old Caucasian man with stable mental health diagnosis of schizophrenia who presents for a yearly physical. PG is prescribed aripiprazole for treatment of his schizophrenia. The NP knows the following labs should … ordered to assess for cardiometabolic changes related to his medication EXCEPT:

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