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NURS 6201 Week 4: Leading Planned Change Essay Assignment Paper

“It is a bad plan that admits of no modification.”

— Publilius Syrus
First Century BC

It is generally accepted that change will occur whether we want it to or not. Leader–managers understand that they may either shape and control the change or deal with the consequence of accidental change, or change by drift.

This week, you consider a unit–level issue in an organization from the point of view of a leader–manager and think about a needed change. Related to this, you examine the expectation that change needs to be evidence–based and investigate opportunities to gather information through professional networking.

Learning Objectives

Students will:

Now, a handful of leading–edge global companies are breaking new ground and using evidence–based change to make critical talent management decisions, help their organizations achieve greater success and create a more engaging work environment for their people.

—Towers Watson

Successful leader–managers recognize the value of using models or theories, as well as relevant evidence, to guide a change effort. For this Discussion, you consider a problem within your organization and the strategies that you might use to orchestrate a change.

Jesuthasan, R., & Boudreau, J. (2011). Evidence–based change helping companies achieve greater success and competitive advantage, new Towers Watson book reveals. Retrieved from http://www.towerswatson.com/en/Press/2011/09/Evidence–Based–Change–Helping–Companies–Achieve–Greater–Success–and–Competitive–Advantage–New–Towe

To Prepare

By Day 3

Post a description of the problem, including relevant indicator(s). Provide a synopsis of how you would proceed in locating evidence, including research literature you would consult, which professional organization standards may be relevant, and with whom you would communicate or network to ascertain community standards. Then, identify how you would adapt Lewin’s classic model of change based on chaos and complexity theory to address this evidence–based change.

Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses.

By Day 6

Respond to at least two of your colleagues on two different days using one or more of the following approaches:

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