NURS 6351: Role of the Nurse Educator Walden Essay Assignment Paper Writing Help

NURS 6351: Role of the Nurse Educator Walden Essay Assignment Paper

NURS 6351 Entire Course Weekly Discussions And Assignments Esay Help

NURS 6351 Week 1: Nurse Educator Competencies and Role Change

Your professional journey is unique to you—shaped by your experiences, specialty expertise, and career aspirations. What have you learned about yourself through your involvement in this Master of Science in Nursing program, and particularly your specialization? How have your experiences in courses and in your current or previous work settings informed your perspective on what you would like to accomplish moving forward?

In this course, you examine the challenges and benefits of applying your clinical specialty area knowledge and skills through your role as a nurse educator.

This week, you analyze professional competencies and consider how these relate to three domains in which nurse educators work: in clinical settings as staff developers, in clinical settings as patient educators, and in academic settings as educators of nursing students. You revisit Patricia Benner’s work on transitioning from novice to expert (introduced in a previous course), and assess the challenges that may arise as you progress from expert clinician to novice nurse educator and experience changes in your professional identity.

In preparation for your Practicum, this week you reflect on the professional transitions that you are currently undergoing or are likely to embark on as you complete this MSN program. You identify professional development objectives and create your Practicum Professional Experience Plan to guide involvement at your Practicum setting.

Learning Objectives

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*The Assignments related to these Learning Objectives are introduced this week and submitted in Week 3.
**The Assignment related to this Learning Objective is introduced this week and submitted in Week 9.

NURS 6351: Role of the Nurse Educator Walden Essay Assignment Paper Writing Help

According to Halstead and Frank (2018), “The competencies required of health care professionals to deliver safe, quality care will continue to be debated by leaders in health care and health care education” (p. 4). Yet, nurse educators can look to established professional competencies, derived from effective practices in the field and from evidence in the literature, to guide their actions.

What competencies are nurse educators expected to achieve and demonstrate? What are the commonalities and differences among competencies required in differing domains in which nurse educators work: in clinical settings as staff developers, in clinical settings as patient educators, and in academic settings as educators of nursing students?

For this Discussion, you conduct a self-assessment to gauge your skills and abilities relative to essential competencies. Bear in mind that the purpose of this exercise is to engage in honest evaluation of your competencies to guide your learning as you go forward in this course. Even if you have seasoned clinical expertise or experience as a clinical instructor, you will likely discover areas for growth and development related to the role of nurse educator.

To prepare

By Day 3

Post a summary of the results of your self-assessment. Explain two or more strengths and two or more areas for professional growth relative to the competencies you will need as a nurse educator in your intended setting/role.

Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses.

By Day 5

Respond to at least one of your colleagues by describing similarities and differences among competencies in each of the settings/roles addressed. Explain how this relates to the results of your self-assessment and your plans/goals as a nurse educator.

Discussion 2: Progressing From Expert Clinician to Novice Nurse Educator

As a nurse, your experiences have likely helped you achieve the goal of increasing your clinical expertise. Yet, continued growth brings fresh challenges. As you adopt novel roles and identities, you are likely to find yourself in the position of being a novice again, working to develop new knowledge and skills.

In this Discussion, you revisit a pivotal concept introduced by Dr. Patricia Benne—the transition from novice to expert—in the context of your current transition from expert clinician to novice nurse educator.

To prepare: NURS 6351: Role of the Nurse Educator Essay Assignment

By Day 5

Post an explanation of insights about your role change to nurse educator gained from considering the expert-to-novice perspective and your self-assessment related to nurse educator competencies. Support your response with examples from the literature and your own observations.

Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses.

By Day 7

Respond to at least one of your colleagues by suggesting strategies for managing role change and navigating experiences as a novice nurse educator.

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NURS 6351 Week 2: Complexities of the Nurse Educator Role

Nursing is a complex profession. As a nurse, you are familiar with the many different duties you are expected to perform. The role of nurse educator likewise encompasses a range of responsibilities, many of which may not be readily apparent to novice educators.

In the first week of this course, you began preparing for your Practicum as an avenue for professional growth and development. As part of your Practicum, you will also develop and implement a Practicum project. Your project will integrate evidence-based teaching and learning principles into the creation of a practical tool for nurse educators. This week, you consult with your Practicum faculty member and preceptor to identify a focus for your project. There is no Discussion this week so that you can concentrate on generating two or three ideas for your Practicum project to discuss during your scheduled phone call.

In addition, this week you reflect on the benefits of creating a professional portfolio and give thought to how you can use an electronic portfolio to showcase your achievements in this MSN program. You examine the guidelines for assembling your professional portfolio, which is due in Week 11.

Learning Objectives

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*The Assignments related to these Learning Objectives are submitted in Week 3.

**The Assignment related to this Learning Objective is submitted in Week 9.

***The Assignment related to this Learning Objective is introduced this week and submitted in Week 11.

For your Practicum project, you will integrate evidence-based teaching and learning principles into the creation of a practical tool for nurse educators, such as a lesson plan or a scenario for a simulation lab. You will also create a bibliography featuring resources on teaching and learning that pertain to, or support, your Practicum project. You will find the Project Presentation Grading Rubric specific to this assignment in the Course Information area.

The following is the proposed timeline for developing your project:

Week 2: In consultation with your Practicum faculty member and preceptor, identify the focus for your project, possible Practicum project objectives, and activities appropriate for your Practicum Experience. (Your faculty member will schedule a day/time for a three-way phone call this week).

Week 3: Review the scholarly literature and professional competencies to support and justify your project; identify the overarching goal for your project; develop two or three objectives that are specific, measurable, attainable, results-focused, and time-focused, and that integrate higher-order verbs (i.e., Application level and above) from Bloom’s taxonomy.

Week 4: Design your methodology and evaluation.

Weeks 5–9: Continue to develop your Practicum project. When appropriate, begin creating one or more scholarly products (i.e., practical tools for nurse educators, such as a lesson plan or a scenario for a simulation lab). Be sure to integrate evidence-based teaching and learning principles. Also create a bibliography featuring resources on teaching and learning that pertain to, or support, your Practicum project.

Week 10: Begin to prepare your Practicum project presentation*, which you will post in the Week 11 Discussion on or before Day 1 of that week.

Week 11: On or before Day 1, post a copy of your Practicum project presentation to the Discussion forum; submit your finalized presentation by Day 5.

Assignment 2: Practicum

Identifying a Focus for the Practicum Project

This week, you discuss your interests with your Practicum faculty member and preceptor and, together, identify a focus for your Practicum project.

To prepare for the phone call

Time Log and Journal

Time Log

Continue to log your Practicum Experience during each week of this course.

Journal Entry 1

Instructions for completing Journal Entry 1 are provided in Week 3.

By Day 7 of Week 3

Submit your Practicum Journal document (including your first journal entry).

Assignment 3: The Courage to Teach

As we learn more about who we are, we can learn techniques that reveal rather than conceal the personhood from which good teaching comes.

—Palmer, 2017, p. 24

Reflect on your experiences as a nurse and your desire to contribute to the field as a nurse educator. As you read this week’s chapter of The Courage to Teach, explore Palmer’s assertion that understanding the teacher’s inner landscape is critical for assessing and improving teaching and learning experiences. Consider how that resonates with your thoughts and beliefs as a nurse educator.

To prepare


By Day 7 of Week 9

Submit this assignment.

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NURS 6351 Week 3: Relationships in the Immediate Environment

As a nurse educator, how do you build productive relationships with fellow educators, administrators, and other colleagues? What approaches facilitate positive teacher-student interactions? How and why are conflicts likely to arise in educational, clinical, or other training settings?

This week, you examine the interactions a nurse educator may have with others in his or her immediate work environment. You also analyze incivility, a problematic occurrence in contemporary educational settings.

In addition, this week you continue to define your Practicum project, and you complete and submit your Practicum Time Log and Journal, which includes your first journal entry.

Learning Objectives

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*The Assignment related to this Learning Objective is introduced this week and submitted in Week 11.

**The Assignment related to this Learning Objective is introduced this week and submitted in Week 9.

***The Assignment related to this Learning Objective is submitted in Week 11.

Nurse educators do not work in isolation. Collaboration with other educators, administrators, and professional associates, as well as learners, is necessary for providing optimal educational experiences. Yet, even with a shared dedication to learning, individuals often have differing values, priorities, and expectations, which create the potential for conflict. In addition, incivility is an increasingly troubling phenomenon in today’s education environments.

In this Discussion, you consider how and why conflicts may arise between and among educators and colleagues, as well as between and among educators and learners. You also evaluate the circumstances that give rise to incivility and propose strategies for addressing such situations.

To prepare

By Day 3

Post an explanation of two or more potential sources of conflict between educators and other colleagues, and two or more potential sources of conflict between educators and learners. Propose strategies to minimize and manage instances of incivility related to one of these situations. Support your strategies with references to the literature.

Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses.

By Day 6

Respond to at least two of your colleagues on two different days by proposing additional strategies to minimize and manage instances of incivility related to one of the situations they described (one they did not propose a strategy for, or one for which you have a different idea).

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NURS 6351 Week 4: Relationships Within Organizations

All organizations are perfectly designed to get the results they are now getting. If we want different results, we must change the way we do things.

Tom Northup, author (Thompson, Benedetto, Walter, & Meyer, 2013, p. 217)

This week, you consider the larger contexts in which nurse educators work. Drawing on your knowledge of systems, you examine networks and partnerships within institutions, and analyze how these may influence a nurse educator’s performance as well as organizational success. Organizational climate, culture, structure, and decision-making processes are key aspects of your investigation this week.

In addition, this week you continue to work toward completing course requirements, including the development of your Practicum project and assembly of your professional portfolio.

Learning Objectives

Students will:

*The Assignment related to this Learning Objective is submitted in Week 11.
**The Assignments related to these Learning Objectives are introduced this week and submitted in Week 7.
***The Assignment related to this Learning Objective is submitted in Week 9.
****The Assignment related to this Learning Objective is introduced this week and submitted in Week 11.NURS 6351 Week 4: Relationships Within Organizations

Elizabeth had recently started working at a large teaching hospital. The organization’s mission—with a strong emphasis on education—was posted throughout the building, and she often heard leaders reference it in meetings. Yet, despite a stated commitment to promoting continuing education and professional development, she had heard nurses say that they were unsure what opportunities were actually available to them, while others expressed that the schedules did not allow time to pursue activities not directly related to patient care delivery. In her new role as a nurse educator, Elizabeth wondered what she could do to understand the situation more fully and promote the success of nursing staff and the organization as a whole.

As you have explored through previous coursework in this program, an organization’s mission and vision provide the foundation for goal setting, policy formation, and decision making at all levels of an institution. Regardless of the setting in which you work—clinical or academic—it is essential to be aware of how these factors might affect your contributions as a nurse educator and how you, in turn, can positively influence the larger systems in which you work.

In this Discussion, you examine the mission and vision of a specific organization and consider how the organization demonstrates priorities and perspectives on education. You also reflect on how nurse educators can become involved in networks and partnerships.

To prepare: NURS 6351: Role of the Nurse Educator Essay Assignment

By Day 3

Post an analysis of the mission and vision of your selected organization as well as the networks and partnerships that support—or hinder—one’s role and contributions as a nurse educator. (Do not identify the organization, educators, or others by name.) Explain how this relates to organizational culture/climate, structure, and decision-making processes, and influences the role of the nurse educator. Justify your response with support from the literature.

Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses.

By Day 6

Respond to at least two of your colleagues on two different days using one or more of the following approaches:

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NURS 6351 Week 5: Diversity of Learners

When he was a nursing student, one of George’s instructors had been instrumental in helping him to see how patients’ cultural backgrounds could influence their views on health and illness, and why it was important for him to be aware of his own biases, beliefs, and experiences while caring for others. With this knowledge in mind, he had embraced the inherent dignity of each person through his nursing practice, and has since considered himself to be a self-aware, culturally competent practitioner.

Now, many years later and new to his role as a nurse educator, George is encountering questions and concerns he had not expected. The nursing students with whom he works range in age from their early 20s to their mid-50s, and bring with them diverse cultural and linguistic characteristics. While George teaches, some students devote their attention to technological devices, while others frequently interrupt to ask questions and share anecdotes, and still others watch him intently without saying a word. One student has very limited schooling but many years of experience in health care, while another has an advanced degree in a different field but not much firsthand knowledge of nursing and patient care. George could generate a long list of differences he has noticed between himself, his students, and among the group as a whole. His chief concern is his inability to connect with some of his students, despite his best efforts. George wants to make sure that everyone has a positive experience, and that he is able to help his students learn what they need in order to move forward.

This week, you explore diversity in nursing education and the potential impact that educators’ and students’ differing strengths, perspectives, beliefs, and priorities may have on learning. You engage in self-reflection, assessing how your own background may inform your work as a nurse educator, and evaluate strategies for facilitating effective learning experiences for all students.

In addition, you continue to work on core components of this course, including the development of your Practicum project and assembly of your professional portfolio.

Learning Objectives

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*The Assignment related to this Learning Objective is submitted in Week 11.
**The Assignments related to these Learning Objectives are submitted in Week 7.
***The Assignment related to this Learning Objective is submitted in Week 9.
****The Assignment related to this Learning Objective is submitted in Week 11.

There never were in the world two opinions alike, no more than two hairs or two grains; the most universal quality is diversity.

Michel de Montaigne (1533–1592), writer during the French Renaissance

Today’s nursing education settings abound with diversity, creating rich opportunities for all involved to learn from one another. As a nurse educator, you are responsible for cultivating an environment in which the advantages of diversity are leveraged and the obstacles to inclusive learning are successfully addressed.

In this Discussion, you examine the influence of diversity on nursing education, and consider how to meet the needs of learners who bring a wide range of backgrounds, resources, talents, goals, and challenges to teaching and learning experiences. In addition, you devote attention to your own experiences and preferences as a learner, assess potential biases, and evaluate how you can engage in reflective practice.

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By Day 3

Post a description of a situation that reflects the influence and significance of diversity in contemporary nursing education. Share strategies you would use to address differing needs and perspectives to create a positive learning experience for all involved, and explain why you selected these strategies. Explain how your approach to this situation relates to your own values, preferences, experiences, and/or potential biases.

Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses.

By Day 6

Respond to at least two of your colleagues on two different days using one or more of the following approaches:

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NURS 6351 Week 6: Addressing Learner Performance Challenges

When have you struggled to learn something? What were the circumstances that made the learning experience challenging? Did you have difficulty understanding or remembering the subject matter or instructions? If so, why? Were you uncomfortable in the environment or with the people involved? Were you overburdened or distracted with other matters? How and when did you realize the situation might be problematic? What, if anything, did you or others do to try to improve the situation and create positive results?

At some point in time, everyone has struggled with learning. Likewise, all educators—even those who are highly skilled and experienced—are likely to encounter difficulties identifying early indications of poor performance and/or helping learners to sufficiently improve. Yet, this is one of the most significant responsibilities that you may have as a nurse educator.

This week, you consider how to use formative assessment to identify potential learning problems, and you evaluate strategies for improving performance. You also examine legal and/or ethical considerations that guide an educator’s work in these situations. In addition, you continue to work on core components of this course.

Learning Objectives

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*The Assignment related to this Learning Objective is submitted in Week 11.
**The Assignments related to these Learning Objectives are submitted in Week 7.
***The Assignment related to this Learning Objective is submitted in Week 9.
****The Assignment related to this Learning Objective is submitted in’ Week 11.

What does learning look like in a variety of contexts? For instance, how do you know when a nurse in the ICU has learned and can follow a newly established procedure? How do you know when a patient understands discharge instructions and will be able to take medications appropriately at home? In contrast, what are the indications that someone is struggling to learn? And, what can be done to facilitate learning and the achievement of performance standards?

In this Discussion, you consider the value of formative assessment/evaluation to help you identify early indicators that a learner may be experiencing difficulties. You also evaluate strategies to address underperformance and promote improvement. In addition, you assess the ethical and legal considerations that should guide your actions as an educator in such situations.

To prepare

Note: If you choose an example involving an authentic situation, do not include any identifying characteristics of the individual(s) in your Discussion post.

By Day 3

Post a description of a situation involving a learning challenge (as indicated above). Explain how a nurse educator could use formative assessment/evaluation to monitor learning and/or performance, and how this could help him or her to identify early indicators of learning difficulties. Propose two strategies that a nurse educator could use to support the struggling learner. Explain two potential legal and/or ethical considerations that should guide the nurse educator’s behavior and interactions associated with supporting a learner’s performance.

Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses.

By Day 6

Respond to at least two of your colleagues on two different days by proposing means/resources an educator could utilize to address the situation/issues.

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NURS 6351 Week 7: Relationships That Foster Growth—Mentors and Preceptors

Reflect on your academic and professional journey thus far. Which individuals have been the most influential in helping you grow and progress? What formal or informal roles did these individuals play? Think of your preceptor at your Practicum setting, for instance; how has he or she contributed to your learning and development? Have you forged relationships with mentors who have provided guidance, support, and encouragement? If so, how have your experiences with mentors and preceptors differed?

This week, you examine the distinctions between mentors and preceptors, and consider the value that each has for your ongoing professional development. In particular, you consider how forging a positive relationship with a mentor can facilitate your professional development and help you to achieve the competencies required of a nurse educator.

Learning Objectives

Students will:

*The Assignment related to this Learning Objective is submitted in Week 9.
**The Assignment related to this Learning Objective is submitted in Week 11.

Discussion: Mentoring to Cultivate Competencies (Optional)

Note: This Discussion is not required. It provides an opportunity for informal collaboration. You will not receive a grade for your participation.

Why is mentoring beneficial, and how does it differ from a relationship you might have with a preceptor? What characteristics or experiences would make someone an effective mentor? What might you be expected to contribute as a mentee in a relationship with your mentor?

As you reflect on the questions above, consider the following statement from Susan Canfield, director of the Michael G. Foster School of Business MBA Mentor Program at the University of Washington: “While mentors create structure based on their availability and what they want to offer, mentees are responsible for driving the relationship.”

In this Optional Discussion, you consider mentoring as an avenue for continuing your professional growth and development. You assess how receiving mentoring could help you to cultivate the competencies required of a nurse educator.

(Optional) To prepare

(Optional) By Day 3

Post an explanation of the most significant difference between mentors and preceptors, and provide your rationale. Then, propose a plan for seeking a mentor and describe strategies for using mentoring to facilitate your professional/career development.

(Optional) Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses.

(Optional) By Day 6

Respond to at least two of your colleagues on two different days using one of the following approaches:

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NURS 6351 Week 8: Advancement in the Nurse Educator Role

As a scholar-practitioner in this course, you have been designing activities to align with professional development objectives and assembling your professional portfolio. These endeavors provide a foundation for the ongoing professional development that will be required of you throughout your career as a nurse educator.

Take a few minutes to think about the goals you would like to achieve in the immediate future and in the long term. What commitments or undertakings could help you to deepen and expand your expertise and advance to new levels of responsibility?

This week, you analyze the contributions you would like to make as a nurse educator and evaluate strategies for facilitating professional development.

Learning Objectives

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In the contemporary work environment, professional advancement requires strategic thinking and planning, as well as the willingness to navigate a continuously evolving landscape and embrace opportunities as they arise. As a scholar-practitioner, it is essential that you identify your goals, honor your unique interests and priorities, and continue to deepen and expand your expertise. As you reflect on your desired career path, consider how becoming involved in professional associations, attending conferences, publishing articles, assuming leadership roles, forging a professional network, and other strategies could help you advance professionally.

In this Discussion, you consider your goals and assess how you may continue to advance in your role as a nurse educator.

To prepare

By Day 3

Post a brief description of your professional achievements and contributions to nursing education from the perspective of an agency honoring you in 2035. Support your post with a description of strategies you would have used to facilitate ongoing professional development in this hypothetical situation.

Read a selection of your colleague’ responses.

By Day 6

Respond to at least two of your colleagues on two different days by using one of the following approaches:

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NURS 6351 Week 9: Ethical and Legal Issues in Nursing Education

Reflect on your experiences as a nursing student and as a nurse. How did you become aware of expectations surrounding ethical and legal matters in various academic and/or professional settings? For instance, did you learn about ethical and legal guidelines through printed manuals or codes of conduct, explicit instruction, role modeling, or corrective actions? Do you recall specific nurse educators who impressed upon you the importance of engaging in ethically and legally responsible conduct? What ethical and/or legal matters have you, as a nurse, addressed with patients and families? What strategies have you used to promote a full understanding of these matters and encourage intentional, well-measured action?

As a nurse educator, it is imperative that you guide learners toward appropriate behavior, which may vary depending on whether the learners are students in academic institutions, nursing staff, or patients and families. Beyond that, you must be aware of the ethical and legal principles that should inform your work as an educator and as a member of the organization in which you work.

This week, you examine ethical and legal considerations that are significant for your role as a nurse educator. You also continue to work on previously introduced course assignments. This week, you explore developing an abstract for a poster session sponsored by the Walden University School of Nursing, Phi Nu Chapter of Sigma Theta Tau that could be accepted and presented at a Walden Graduation.

Learning Objectives

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Health care is a highly regulated industry. For instance, scope of practice for nurses and other health care professionals is typically well defined. For educators, there are fewer laws and requirements to guide practice. Yet, it is important to be aware of and know how to navigate the ethical and legal parameters that surround nursing education. In addition, as a nurse educator, you serve as a role model for your learners and are responsible for creating an ethically and legally sound learning environment.

In this Discussion, you explore ethical and legal challenges that may emerge in nursing education.

To prepare

By Day 3

Post a description of a legal and/or ethical challenge, and explain how and why it might be significant to your role as a nurse educator. Identify any questions you have related to this challenge, and explain how you would follow up to learn more or solicit help if you encountered this issue in your Practicum setting or another institution.

Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses.

By Day 6

Respond to at least one of your colleagues by proposing strategies for minimizing and managing legal challenges, and respond to at least one other colleague on a different day by proposing strategies for minimizing and managing ethical challenges.

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NURS 6351 Week 10: Moving Forward in a Nursing Education Career

How would you like to apply the knowledge and skills you have developed through your program of study in your career as a nurse educator? What insights have you gained about your chosen role and setting, and how have these influenced your plans and aspirations? What questions or concerns do you have about securing a position—now or in the future—that aligns with your values, expertise, and work/life priorities?

This week, you examine strategies for conducting a job search, including identifying positions of interest, applying for jobs, and conveying your qualifications in interviews.

Also this week, you give concerted attention to course assignments that are due next week. On or before Day 1 of Week 11, you will share a presentation of your Practicum project with your colleagues so that you may exchange feedback. You will then submit your presentation for evaluation on or before Day 5 of Week 11. Your Practicum Time Log and Journal (including your third, and final, journal entry) is due next week as well. Bear in mind that you must complete all of your Practicum hours on or before Day 5 of Week 11. In addition, your professional portfolio is due on or before Day 3 of Week 11.

Learning Objectives

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Your passion for nursing education has brought you here—to the culmination of this Master of Science in Nursing program. Through this program, you have been encouraged to think about your strengths, values, teaching philosophy, and the opportunities you have to create a positive impact through your role as a nursing educator.

How would you most like to leverage your expertise moving forward? What types of professional positions do you imagine yourself holding, now and further along your career path?

In this Discussion, you examine strategies for conducting an effective job search for a nurse education position, and assess how you could convey your qualifications through the application and interview processes.

To prepare : NURS 6351: Role of the Nurse Educator Essay Assignment

By Day 3

Post an explanation of strategies you would use to conduct a job search for a position of interest to you, including the resources you would use (and did use to identify the position for this Discussion). Explain the position you identified and how it aligns with your professional goals and expertise. Share your application and interview plan for a specific position, and explain how you would convey your qualifications and then apply your strengths, values, and teaching philosophy in this position.

Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses.

By Day 6

Respond to at least two of your colleagues on two different days by offering suggestions of strategies and/or additional resources related to the job search and/or application and interview plan.

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