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NURS 6411 Week 6: Fundamentals of Relational Databases in Microsoft Access, Part 2 Essay Assignment Paper

In the past several weeks, you have been introduced to the database software, Microsoft Access, and have the opportunity to explore its capabilities for creating tables and establishing relationships. To this point, the focus has been on creating the database. Now, you begin to explore how you get the specific information or data you need out of the database. Reflect for a moment on the types of information that you could use to help in your role as a nurse informaticist. Perhaps you need to know how many patients are being treated for a certain condition, or you may be interested in determining which children are behind on their immunizations. Microsoft Access has the capability to generate a wide range of reports. The possibilities are exciting!

This week, you continue to explore functionalities in Access by generating queries and reports. Also, Part 2 of your Team Database Project is due this week.

Learning Objectives

Students will:

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As you have begun to explore Microsoft Access these past several weeks, you may have encountered challenges with using the software. In these cases, it can be beneficial to share your experiences with colleagues and exchange tips and tricks for using Access.

In this Discussion, you consider your work with Access so far and reflect on the areas that were difficult for you. You also consider areas where you could provide useful advice for others.

To prepare:

By Day 3

Post your question about using Microsoft Access. Describe your challenges and success with creating tables, designing queries, or generating reports in Access, including what you found easy and what areas were the most challenging.

Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses.

By Day 6

Respond to at least two of your colleagues on two different days addressing those questions raised to which you can provide input or assistance.

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NURS 6411 Week 6: Fundamentals of Relational Databases in Microsoft Access, Part 2

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