NURS 6431 Week 9: Identifying Issues or Areas of Concern in an Evaluation Plan Essay Assignment Paper

NURS 6431 Week 9: Identifying Issues or Areas of Concern in an Evaluation Plan Essay Assignment Paper

Consider the following:

After completing his evaluation of the installation and use of a series of computer stations for inputting patient data, Mario determines that, although the stations were installed according to the manufacturer’s recommendations, nurses are complaining of backaches from standing and using them. Any remedy for the problem would be costly and time consuming, and it would reflect poorly on Mario.

Despite careful training on the new Electronic Health Record system, Ellen, a nurse informaticist, determines during a safety evaluation that nurses and doctors are both failing to log out after using the system, leaving sensitive information open on the screen. Ellen is new in her job, and the field of nursing informatics is still viewed with some skepticism at her health care organization. She is concerned with the ramifications of publicly identifying those who are improperly using the system.

In addition to the specific details of a course evaluation, such as scope, cost, and time, ethical and safety issues are involved both with conducting evaluations and disseminating findings. When developing an evaluation plan, nurse informaticists must anticipate and mitigate any potential issues or concerns that may arise as a result of the evaluation design itself.

This week, you focus on the ethical issues or concerns that can occur with an HIT implementation and consider how evaluations can prevent issues or mitigate their effects. You also synthesize your Evaluation Project into one cohesive document.

NURS 6431 Week 9: Identifying Issues or Areas of Concern in an Evaluation Plan Essay Assignment Paper

Learning Objectives

Students will:

A range of ethical issues must be considered in an HIT system implementation. Ethical issues can be related to the appropriate use of decision support systems, privacy and confidentiality, consent for the use of clinical information, and accountability errors. By being aware of potential ethical issues, nurse informaticists may generate evaluation plans that circumvent or address ethical concerns before these concerns hinder a system implementation.

In this Discussion, you analyze potential concerns or issues that could arise during an evaluation, and consider strategies for addressing those concerns.

To prepare:

By Day 3

Post a summary of the key ethical concerns within the area you selected. Suggest strategies for using evaluations to address ethical issues.

By Day 6

Respond to at least two of your colleagues on two different days, using one or more of the following approaches:

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NURS 6431 Week 9: Identifying Issues or Areas of Concern in an Evaluation Plan

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NURS 6431 Week 9: Identifying Issues or Areas of Concern in an Evaluation Plan Essay Assignment Paper

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