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NURS 6521 Week 10: Women’s and Men’s Health Essay Assignment Paper
Breast cancer is not just a disease that strikes at women. It strikes at the very heart of who we are as women: how others perceive us, how we perceive ourselves, how we live, work, and raise our families—or whether we do these things at all.
–Debbie Wasserman Schultz
This sentiment that Schultz expressed is true for many disorders associated with women’s and men’s health such as hormone deficiencies, cancers, and other functional and structural abnormalities. Disorders such as these not only result in physiological consequences but also psychological consequences such as embarrassment, guilt, or profound disappointment for patients. For these reasons, the provider-patient relationship must be carefully managed. During evaluations, patients must feel comfortable answering questions so that you, as a key health-care provider, will be able to diagnose and recommend appropriate treatment options. Advanced practice nurses must be able to educate patients on these disorders and help relieve associated stigmas and concerns.
This week, as you examine women’s and men’s health issues, you focus on treatments for hormone deficiencies and cancer. You also explore preventive services for women’s and men’s health.
Learning Objectives
By the end of this week, students will:
- Evaluate the strengths and limitations of hormone replacement therapy
- Evaluate treatments for hormone deficiencies
- Analyze preventive services for women’s and men’s health
- Analyze drug treatments for cancer patients
- Evaluate implications of cancer drug treatments on patients
- Understand and apply key terms, concepts, and principles related to prescribing drugs to treat disorders associated with women’s and men’s health
Discussion: Hormone Replacement Therapy
In recent years, hormone replacement therapy has become a controversial issue. When prescribing therapies, advanced practice nurses must weigh the strengths and limitations of the prescribed supplemental hormones. If advanced practice nurses determine that the limitations outweigh the strengths, then they might suggest alternative treatment options such as herbs or other natural remedies, changes in diet, and increase in exercise.
Consider the following scenario:
- As an advanced practice nurse at a community health clinic, you often treat female (and sometimes male patients) with hormone deficiencies. One of your patients requests that you prescribe supplemental hormones. This poses the questions: How will you determine what kind of treatment to suggest? What patient factors should you consider? Are supplemental hormones the best option for the patient, or would they benefit from alternative treatments?
To prepare:
- Review Chapter 56 of the Arcangelo and Peterson text, as well as the Roberts and Hickey (2016), Lunenfeld et al (2015), and Makinen and Huhtaniemi (2011) articles in the Learning Resources.
- Review the provided scenario and reflect on whether or not you would support hormone replacement therapy.
- Locate and review additional articles about research on hormone replacement therapy for women and/or men. Consider the strengths and limitations of hormone replacement therapy.
- Based on your research of the strengths and limitations, again reflect on whether or not you would support hormone replacement therapy.
- Consider whether you would prescribe supplemental hormones or recommend alternative treatments to patients with hormone deficiencies.
With these thoughts in mind:
By Day 3
Post a description of the strengths and limitations of hormone replacement therapy. Based on these strengths and limitations, explain why you would or why you would not support hormone replacement therapy. Explain whether you would prescribe supplemental hormones or recommend alternative treatments to patients with hormone deficiencies and why.
By Day 6
Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses and respond to at least two of your colleagues on two different days who provided a different rationale than you did, in one or more of the following ways:
- Offer and support an alternative perspective using readings from the classroom or from your own research in the Walden Library.
- Validate an idea with your own experience and additional research.
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