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NURS 6551 Week 10: Common Health Conditions with Implications for Women, Part 1 Essay Assignment Paper

Sixty-one percent of the people who die from stroke are women, and it is really perceived as an old man’s disease. And it isn’t.

—Lynn Goddess, Founder of the Hazel K. Goddess Fund for Stroke Research in Women

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Stroke is among the leading causes of death for women in the United States (CDC, 2008b). This common health condition has severe implications for women, yet it is frequently misdiagnosed because the female presentation of stroke often differs from the typical recognized male presentation. Like stroke, many other common cardiovascular and neurologic health conditions also present differently and progress differently in women. As an advanced practice nurse providing care for women, you must be able to quickly identify the unique signs and symptoms of these common health conditions in women.

This week you examine common cardiovascular and neurologic conditions that impact women. You consider differential diagnoses, treatment and management plans, and patient education strategies for women with these conditions. You also examine the Women’s Health Initiative study and research current best practices for assessing and managing common health conditions in women.

Learning Objectives

NURS 6551 Week 10: Common Health Conditions with Implications for Women, Part 1

By the end of this week, students will:

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