NURS 6730: Public Health Nursing Leadership Essay Assignment Paper

NURS 6730: Public Health Nursing Leadership Essay Assignment Paper

NURS 6730 Entire Course Weekly Discussions And Assignments

NURS 6730 Week 1: Introduction to Public Health Nursing Leadership

Public health nurses come from a variety of diverse educational backgrounds and have a wealth of professional as well as personal experiences. These experiences provide the foundation for a public health nurse’s development as a leader.

However, becoming an effective leader is a lifelong journey that requires dedication and leveraging of opportunities for ongoing professional development. Leadership principles and practices must be learned and then applied to the context of everyday life. Leaders who dedicate themselves to the profession of public health nursing (PHN) will be guided by a philosophy of social justice, the desire to make the public’s health a priority, and a recognition of the need to collaborate across professions, communities, states, and nations to make their dream a reality.

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This week, you will reflect on your own leadership experiences and begin to explore the skills and strategies that are important for public health nurses in leadership roles. This knowledge will guide you to identify the goals and objectives for your own professional and personal leadership journey. This week, you are also introduced to your practicum requirements.

Learning Objectives

Students will:

Lydia Desai, MSN, RN has been leading the WellBaby initiative, an infant mortality reduction program, for over ten years. To say she is under pressure is an understatement. Fundraising and budget management, public communication, and maintaining strong relationships with a wide range of community stakeholders are among her major areas of responsibility. In addition, she is responsible for leading a team of 10 public health professionals with varied backgrounds and roles that fuel the success of the program. Dr. Desai prides herself on transparency and honesty when managing her staff. She has recently learned that one of her team members deliberately kept something from her that had a negative impact on an important stakeholder relationship. A colleague encouraged her to have a private conversation with the employee to gain a better understanding of what happened from her perspective. Dr. Desai quickly responded, “It is clear I can no longer trust her, she will have to come to me if she wants to redeem herself. For now, I will just assign her to another area of the project.”

For this Discussion, you will reflect on your own experiences under someone’s leadership and identify specific skills you associate with different styles of leadership.

To prepare:

By Day 3

Post a description of two past experiences you have had working under someone’s leadership—one experience you would characterize as positive, and one experience you would characterize as negative. Identify the leadership skills that leader possessed or the leadership skills that leader was missing for each experience.

Support your post with scholarly resources.

Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses

By Day 6

Respond to at least two of your colleagues by responding to the following prompt:

Identify at least two leadership skills from your colleagues’ experiences (either positive or negative) that highlight an important aspect of leadership for public health nurse leaders. Explain.

Practicum Assignment: Practicum Professional Experience Plan (PPEP)

As reflected in this week’s Discussion, leadership skills and competencies are an essential part of professional development.

For this Assignment, you will develop a Practicum Professional Experience Plan (PPEP) to outline how your involvement in the practicum will contribute to your growth as a public health nursing professional and allow you to hone your PHN knowledge and skills. The PPEP consists of two or three objectives related to professional development that you will address during your Practicum Experience.

Note: In the practicum manual, these are referred to as your individualized learning objectives.

To prepare:

To complete your Practicum Professional Experience Plan:

Record the required information in each area of the Professional Practicum Experience Plan, including two or three objectives you will use to facilitate your professional development during the practicum.

By Day 7

Submit the Practicum Professional Experience Plan Form for Faculty review and approval.

When your Instructor has approved your plan, forward the signed PPEP to your Preceptor and retain a copy for your records.

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NURS 6730 Week 2: Public Health Leadership in a Changing Society

Today’s public health professionals, who are tasked with protecting and promoting the public’s health, face ongoing challenges in areas such as obesity, chronic disease, substance abuse, HIV/AIDS, mental health, injury and violence, and the environment. Experts have called for changes in vision among those leading future efforts to address these needs. However, simply having a new vision is not sufficient; leadership skills are also needed to implement and sustain change while also remaining adaptive to the needs of an ever-changing society.

This week, you will examine various factors influencing population health outcomes, such as the social determinants of health. You will gain a broader understanding of the public health challenges facing our society as well as the adaptive leadership skills required of individuals rising to these challenges. You will also identify a current public health issue of interest that you will continue to explore through the lens of public health nursing leadership over the remainder of this course.

Learning Objectives

Students will:

*The Assignments related to these Learning Objectives are introduced this week and submitted in Week 3.

“In the first three decades of life, more individuals in the United States die from injuries and violence than from any other cause. Millions more people survive and are left with physical, emotional, and financial problems. Injuries and violence are not accidents; they are preventable.”

The Injury Free Coalition for Kids project works to reduce childhood injury in Central and South neighborhoods in the city of Seattle. Data indicates these neighborhoods need specific attention. Leaders of this project were likely to consider factors that influence the possibility of injury in these communities, the role of the individual, physical, and social environment in both contributing to and preventing injury; and what may have been done in the past that was either effective or ineffective to shape new ideas towards a solution.

Adaptive leadership is the practice of mobilizing people to tackle tough challenges and thrive. This involves thinking about issues from a new perspective, and identifying innovative solutions to tackle these challenges, it also involves identifying new partnerships that can be formed to create these innovative solutions.

For this Discussion, you will focus on a current issue of personal interest that a public health nurse leader might encounter. You will consider various facets of the issue from an adaptive leadership perspective.


Haegerich, T. M., Dahlberg, L. L., Simon, T. R., Baldwin, G. T., Sleet, D. A., & Greenspan, A. I. (2014). Prevention of injury and violence in the USA. Lancet. 384(9937), 64–74. doi: 10.1016/S0140-6736(14)60074-X

Injury Free Coalition for Kids Seattle. (n.d.). Retrieved March 30, 2018, from

To prepare:

By Day 3

Post a response to the following questions:

Considering the public health issue you have identified:

Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses

By Day 6

Respond to at least two of your colleagues by suggesting additional ideas or innovative solutions for their health issue and/or additional partners (stakeholders) they should engage to support their efforts.

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NURS 6730 Week 3: Organization & Financing of the Public’s Health

A complex array of institutions supports the delivery of public health services in the United States and around the globe. These include both governmental and private organizations. Effective leadership and management of these public health services requires a thorough understanding of these basic structural elements. Public health nurse leaders also need to be knowledgeable in the area of public health finance – the resources needed for delivery of essential public health services and how those resources are acquired and managed.

This week, you will explore the organizational structure behind public health service delivery as well as the funding sources utilized to provide such services. You will also have an opportunity to reflect on the role of the public health nurse leader in influencing funding decisions, and identify the skills needed to successfully fulfill that responsibility.

Learning Objectives

Students will:

Assignment: Practicum Mentor Interview

“Public health continues to redefine and rediscover itself, and a mentor can offer essential guidance, encouragement, and insight in times of uncertainty and stress.” (Mahayosnand & Stigler, 1999)

You have an opportunity in this course to deepen your understanding of complex course topics through your practicum experience and get a glimpse into real world applications of topics like the organization and financing of public health services.

For this Assignment, you will interview your practicum mentor to learn from their experience and perspective on the operational aspects of public health organizations.


Mahayosnand, P. P. & Stigler, M. H. (1999). The need for mentoring in public health. American Journal of Public Health, 89(8), 1262-1263. Retrieved from

To prepare:

The Assignment: (1– to 2–page interview summary)

Write a summary analysis of your interview that includes responses to the following questions:

By Day 7

Submit your Interview Summary Analysis.

Note: Plan to keep the information that you collected during your Preceptor interview on the accreditation process since this will be applied in Week 7.

Practicum Journal: Journal Entry 1

This Journal Assignment calls for you to reflect on Weeks 1 through 3 of the course and analyze your experiences and observations with the support of scholarly literature.

To prepare:

By Day 7

Complete the Practicum Journal Entry 1:

In your saved version of the NURS 6730 Practicum Journal document, do the following:

Write a 350– to 500–word journal entry (identified as Journal Entry 1) in which you do the following:

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NURS 6730 Week 4: Public Health Ethics, Law, & Policy

In their role as leaders in public health systems and organizations, public health nurses must address increasingly complex ethical conflicts in day-to-day practice. Ethical questions arise about the appropriate scope of public health, such as addressing the outcomes of unhealthy individual behaviors, like smoking, as well as the justification for particular public health interventions, such as quarantine and mandatory immunizations.

While ethical decision-making often involves no clear-cut rules for navigation, public health laws and policies are put in place to create conditions for people to lead healthier and safer lives. Public health law creates a mission for public health agencies, assigns their functions, and specifies the manner at which they may exercise their authority. This area of public health holds a uniquely important place under the umbrella of health policy. Unlike most other areas of health care, public health has at its core the concept of population health status and outcomes.

This week, you will gain additional competence in the skills needed to put ethical principles into practice as a public health nurse leader. You will also gain a broader understanding of the role and purpose of law in public health and the key laws and regulations in this area. Finally, you will explore policy-making in the public health arena and gain an understanding of the challenges faced when balancing individual freedom with social obligation.

Learning Objectives

Students will:

Assignment: Case Study-Ethical Implications

Sanaa Muro has been leading an obesity prevention program for the past year and half working closely with schools in underserved neighborhoods across several southern U.S. states. She was excited to learn a new potential funding source would allow the program to serve its community at another level for a sustained period. She later found out that the funding would come with the expectation of marketing products directly to the families that signed up for the program. To make matters worse, the products included items that contradicted the healthy living guidelines promoted through the program. Sanaa knew she did not want to be obligated by this funding to do anything she felt was not in the best interest of the community. However, it was not her decision alone and other stakeholders, focused on the financial prospect and distanced from the community, were advocating strongly for accepting the funding with the sentiment that they could still do more good than harm with this money.

Do you feel prepared to resolve ethical conflicts you may face as a public health leader?

The public health nurse leader must strive to uphold the ethical principle of beneficence – taking action for the benefit of others – and make the best possible use of the opportunities he or she is given to improve the health of communities.

This week, you will focus on ethics in public health through an analysis of The Tuskegee Syphilis Study.

To prepare:

The Assignment: (1– to–2–page paper)

Write an analysis that explains the key lessons learned from the Tuskegee Study as it relates to:

By Day 7

Submit your Assignment.

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NURS 6730 Week 5: Public Health Leadership at the Personal Level

Leadership expert Leonard Rowitz (2018) identifies five essential skills necessary for being a successful public health leader:

  1. Knowledge with the intelligence to use it;
  2. Empathy and the ability to motivate others;
  3. Risk-taking with action and follow through;
  4. Ability to communicate at many different levels; and finally,
  5. Systems thinkers with an understanding of how complexity affects their work.

An important part of your unique development as a public health nurse leader is the ability to look inward and reflect on public health leadership at the personal level. What kind of leader are you right now? What kind of leader do you wish to become? What essential leadership skills do you possess, and which ones do you need to acquire to become a more effective leader? These are all important questions that only you can answer!

This week you will identify leadership skills that you currently possess as well as your own unique leadership style. You will also create a professional leadership plan at which you identify your goals for developing yourself as a public health nurse leader.

Learning Objectives

Students will:

In the first week of this course you reflected on past experiences with leaders — both positive or negative. Although many contributing factors may have existed, to what extent do you think attention—or lack of attention—to personal growth and development may have had a role in their quality of leadership? Personal leadership development is foundational, and it influences all other levels of leadership.

For this Discussion, you consider your personal style of leadership and specific strategies for effective leadership development at the personal level.


By Day 3

The following completed tools:

Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses.

By Day 6

Respond to at least two of your colleagues by taking on the role of a coach or mentor and offering suggestions to strengthen at least two of their tools.

Leadership Journal: Personal Level Leadership

“As leaders, we need to keep our eyes and ears focused on many things and issues in the course of a working day. Our journals prevent us from losing many of these high-speed ideas.” (Rowitz, p.60)

As presented in this week’s resources, journals are used in many ways, both in format and application. As you examine the various levels of leadership, in the coming weeks you will practice the skill of intentional journaling for professional development. Use this practice in the course to create your own routine and a journaling practice that works for you outside of this course. If you already have a journal practice, look for ways to improve your practice based on the resources and journal assignments in this course.

For this Leadership Journal assignment, you will reflect on your personal growth and development and take specific actions for continued development.

To prepare:

The Assignment:

Respond to the following prompts:

  1. How will you use the resources developed in this week’s Discussion? How can you ensure that you will utilize them beyond this course? Which of the personal leadership tools did you find most useful?
  2. Consider an experienced professional who could serve as your mentor. Who might you reach out to? Identify at least two people. Explain why you selected these individuals. What questions might you ask them related to personal growth and development?
  3. Identify how the leadership competencies from ANA (2013) align with your personal growth and development goals.
  4. Make note of any additional insights and resources regarding leadership at the personal level you would like to pursue further. Consider how topics covered in the previous weeks of this course inform your personal leadership goals.

By Day 7

Submit your Leadership Journal.

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NURS 6730 Week 6: Public Health Leadership at the Team Level

Effective leadership at the team level requires leaders with strong personal leadership skills. Many of the public health challenges facing today’s leaders are more complex and numerous than in times past. Public health nurse leaders must constantly address challenges that range from annual cuts in an agency’s budget to crises related to disease outbreaks, such as Ebola and Zika, and natural disasters or man-made disasters, such as school shootings and other increases in community violence. Creative leaders know that they cannot do all the work that’s needed by themselves. They must be able to trust the people they lead, and likewise, inspire trust in those whom they lead.

This week, you will explore the concept of team leadership and the nature of working in and leading teams of individuals. You will identify specific skills and strategies that a public health nurse leader needs to have in his or her toolbox to navigate the challenges that can occur when attempting to create a cohesive team from a group of diverse individuals.

Learning Objectives

Students will:

“Not finance. Not strategy. Not technology. It is teamwork that remains the ultimate competitive advantage, both because it is so powerful and so rare.”

― Patrick Lencioni, The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable

The field of public health demands creativity and innovation in order to achieve solutions for complex problems. Leaders and the strength of their teams directly influence the success of the public’s health.

For this Discussion, you will develop a team scenario in a public health setting and apply effective team leadership characteristics.

To prepare:

By Day 3

Post a 3 to 4 minutes Kaltura video presentation at which you respond to the following questions:

View a selection of your colleagues’ responses.

By Day 6

Respond to at least two of your colleagues by providing feedback on their approach to team leadership. Support your feedback with scholarly resources and your own experiences with teams.

Leadership Journal: Team-Level Leadership

For this Leadership Journal assignment, you will reflect on the connections between personal growth and development and leadership at the team level.

To prepare:

Complete the Practicum Journal Entry 2:

In your saved version of the NURS 6730 Practicum Journal document, respond to the following prompts:

By Day 7

Submit your Leadership Journal.

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NURS 6730 Week 7: Public Health Leadership at the Organizational Level

Leadership at the organizational level requires that the public health nurse leader not only use the new skills and tools required to lead an agency, but also continue to refine the skills and tools developed at the personal and team levels. One crucial skill needed to lead public health organizations in an ever-changing society is adaptive leadership. As you learned in Week 2, adaptive leadership is the practice of mobilizing people to tackle tough challenges and thrive. This involves thinking about issues from a new perspective and identifying innovative solutions to tackle these challenges. It also involves identifying new partnerships that can be formed to create these innovative solutions. Adaptive leadership is an integral component of adaptive organizations. Those organizations are more likely to survive and even thrive in a chaotic environment.

Public health nurse leaders also must possess skills when using data to further the mission of their organizations and promote the health of the populations they serve. PHN leaders are surrounded by multiple sources of data; however, the data can only become useful when synthesized with other available information by a skilled public health leader to produce contextually grounded knowledge. Thus, knowledge management relates to how information gets used within the context of an organization’s strategic vision.

Strategic planning is the process by which an organization identifies its future goals and then determines the strategies and resources needed to move forward toward the realization of those goals and the ultimate achievement of the organization’s vision. The public health leader must collaborate with other members of his or her organization in the strategic planning process.

This week you will explore the qualities of adaptive leadership, not only as they apply to the public health nurse leader, but also those qualities that must be nurtured in order to create an adaptive organization. You will also gain a better understanding of the process of strategic planning and the role of the nurse leader in facilitating that process.

Learning Objectives

Students will:

Barbara Mosely, Director of Public Health Nursing at Welland County Health Department, has just learned that a long-time strategic partnership with a community health center is at risk due to new legislation that will reduce funding and increase the chances of the health center having to cut staff and services in the next year. This change would negatively impact the agency’s staff and the community’s health. She decides to organize a meeting at the organizational leadership level immediately. In preparation for the meeting, she reviews the agency’s strategic plan and pulls data that shows their clients’ dependency on the community health center partnership and their desire to dedicate a significant portion of the meeting to address the best way to communicate what this change would mean for their staff and the community that’s served.

For this Discussion, you interview at least one organizational leader at your practicum site to gain insights into how the key concepts covered this week—adaptive leadership, knowledge management, strategic planning, and partnerships—are applied in a real-world context.

To prepare:

By Day 3

Post a summary of your interview(s) that addresses the following areas:

Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses.

By Day 6

Respond to at least two of your colleagues by comparing information about one of the areas of leadership you shared with the information you gathered from your placement organization. How does the comparison strengthen your understanding of the organizational leadership area and/or what questions does it raise?

Assignment: Practicum Mentor Interview (Accreditation)

In Week 3 of this course, you interviewed your practicum mentor to gain professional insights on key personal and professional leadership topics. You have an additional opportunity this week to consider the experience of a professional mentor for your current and future benefit.

For this Assignment, you will focus your analysis on the public health accreditation components of your interview.

To prepare:

The Assignment: (1– to 2–page interview summary)

Write a summary analysis of your Preceptor interview from Week 3 on the topic of public health accreditation that includes responses to the following questions:

By Day 7 of Week 8

Submit your Interview Summary Analysis.

Leadership Journal: Organizational-Level Leadership

During this Leadership Journal assignment, you will reflect on the connections that exist among personal, team, and organizational leadership. You also will consider insights from your practicum experience.

To prepare:

The Assignment:

Respond to the following prompts:

By Day 7

Submit your Leadership Journal.

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NURS 6730 Week 8: Public Health Leadership at the Community Level

Public health nurse leaders often spend more of his or her time in the community that he or she serves than inside the agency he or she leads. Public health leadership today is about community and community relationships. It is also about building social capital and about new partnerships.” (Rowitz, p. 135)

What skills do you feel are needed to effectively engage the diverse stakeholder groups in the community? The goal of public health leadership at the community level is to learn and refine the skills necessary to make our communities healthy and to always respect every individual who lives in these communities.

This week, you will explore the competencies that are vital for Public Health Nurse Leaders to master to effectively engage with a diverse community of members and agencies. Once again, you will be asked to consider your own public health issue that you identified during Week 2 and consider various community stakeholders with whom you will want to partner with to address that issue.

Learning Objectives

Students will:

To prepare:

The Assignment:

Respond to the following prompts:

By Day 7

Submit your Leadership Journal.

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NURS 6730 Week 9: Public Health Leadership at the Local, National, & International Levels

As a nurse leader you must possess a wide array of skills and use many tools to function in your roles at the local, national, and international levels of public health. You need the ability to envision health and all its determinants as they exist at each of these levels independently as well as how they impact one another both in positive and negative ways. One key skill needed in this work is the ability to engage in effective cross-cultural communication with diverse groups of individuals across a wide array of settings. The leader must be able to shift from a local to a global perspective when contemplating how best to address the needs of populations and tailor strategies for each level as well as leverage partnerships for change.

Public health has the broad responsibility of preparing for and responding to disasters. Carrying out these responsibilities effectively requires a multi-organizational approach and the ability to navigate these partnerships. Likewise, the PHN leader must be prepared to assume a leadership role when preparing for and responding to disasters as well as support communities and their residents in the recovery process. One key skill required of these leaders is the ability to reflect a positive orientation. This positive orientation will serve as a guide through good times and through times of crisis. Leaders must be able to see beyond the crisis, recognize the lessons to be learned, and know the important tasks that must be accomplished to promote healing at all levels. Unfortunately, they must also be able to reorganize and plan effective strategies in order to address the future local, national, or international crises of the future.

This week, you will examine the unique roles and responsibilities of public health nurse leaders at the local, national, and international levels. You will also explore the PHN leader’s role in responding to public health disasters at all levels.

Learning Objectives

Students will:

Assignment: Public Health Leadership at the Local, National, and Global Level

The health of all humankind is a core principle of all public health work. The socially constructed barriers between local, national, and global regions serve to organize services and efforts towards progress when responding to public health needs. However, each level informs the next, and the flow and exchange of information plays a strategic role in advancing public health practice.

For this Assignment, you will examine the local, national, and global scope of work and the interdependence that exists among each level.

To prepare:

The Assignment: (Matrix and 1–page summary)

By Day 7

Submit your Matrix and 1–page Summary.

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NURS 6730 Week 10: Public Health Leadership at the Professional Level

Over the last few weeks, you have examined the role of the PHN Leader at a variety of levels: personal, team, organizational, community/local, national, and international. You have examined the unique skills required to function effectively at each of these levels. You have also been able to see how these skills and your own unique leadership style, professional, and personal experiences come together to shape your leadership identity. The final level of leadership discussed by Rowitz (2018) is public health leadership at the professional level. While this level relates to each of the other levels, it is reflective of what the PHN leader does to build a unified profession of public health as well as those strategic actions taken to enhance one’s own professional development.

Leadership at the professional level involves sharing your leadership experiences with others. This includes sharing model public health programs that have worked and lessons learned – your own best practices, how you have used your leadership to create positive change in our communities, how you have created partnerships to enhance the work of public health, what advocacy programs worked, and how you and the teams you have led have influenced public health policy.

This week, you will examine your own goals for professional development as a public health nurse leader as well as develop specific strategies for reaching those goals. You also will explore professional organizations that can support your ongoing growth and the mentor’s role in facilitating that process.

Learning Objectives

Students will:

Assignment: Professional Level Leadership

Leadership at the professional level involves creating your own unique strategic plan for your professional development, such as additional education, training, and certification as well as professional organizations where you can grow among like-minded individuals. In the words of John F. Kennedy:

“Efforts and courage are not enough without purpose and direction.”

One valuable tool that can guide your professional development and goal setting is the creation of a career legacy map. What might be better in public health because of your professional efforts and contributions? When nursing professionals declare a professional legacy, they are likely to maintain a focus on achieving their legacy and experience meaning in the process (Hinds, et al., 2014). A legacy map not only shows you your destination, but it also identifies important stops along the way.

For this Assignment, you will focus on your leadership competency development and consider your involvement with professional public health organizations for continued development.

To prepare:

The Assignment: (1– to 2–page Paper and 1–page Information Sheet)

Part 1:

Part 2:

By Day 7

Submit your Paper and Information Sheet.

Leadership Journal: Professional-Level Leadership

This Leadership Journal assignment will require you to reflect on the nuances of professional-level leadership as distinct from the levels you have focused on previously.

To prepare:

The Assignment:

By Day 7

Submit your Leadership Journal.

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NURS 6730 Week 11: Leadership and the Marketing of Public Health

In order to bring about social changes that will result in improved health outcomes, public health professionals must communicate effectively with their audience (i.e., consumers of public health information). Historically, public health professionals have struggled to communicate effectively to their audience. “As scientific findings emerge, we tend to bombard our audience with often conflicting information that leaves them unsure of what steps to take to change their behavior” (Shi & Johnson, 2014, p. 450).

Alternatively, the use of strategies such as systematic, consumer-based communication approaches has the power to engage the public in creating social change and thereby increasing the likelihood of lasting change.

Learning Objectives

Students will:

The topics you have focused on for this course have required you to look at public health issues through the lens of leadership. You now know that in addition to focusing on a specific public health issue and its many components, you are simultaneously managing your own leadership of the issue. You are applying and experimenting with a range of leadership competencies that influence the outcome of specific initiatives and your overall professional experience.

A key aspect of your leadership when addressing public health issues is the ability to present information effectively. Your ability to inform and communicate evidence-based needs and priorities effectively can lead to increased support for your initiative from multiple audiences.

For this Discussion, you will prepare a presentation of your approach to leading a public health issue intervention.

To prepare:

By Day 3

Post an 8– to 10–slide PowerPoint presentation with speaker notes and a 3– to 4–minute Executive Summary video presentation of your Case Study for your colleagues using Kaltura.

Be sure to address the following in your Case Study presentation (PPT and Video):

View a selection of your colleagues’ responses.

By Day 6

Respond to at least two of your colleagues by providing feedback on their leadership approach to address their chosen public health issue. What suggestions can you provide to strengthen their message?

Practicum Journal: Journal Entry 3

This Journal assignment involves reflecting on the activities during Weeks 8 through 11 of the course. You will analyze your experiences and observations with the support of scholarly literature.

To prepare:

Complete the Practicum and Journal Entry:

In your saved version of the NURS 6730 Practicum Journal document, do the following:

By Day 5

Your Journal Entry 3 is due.

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