Theoretical and Scientific Foundations for Nursing Practice NURS 8110 Assignment Essay Paper Essay Help

NURS 8110: Theoretical and Scientific Foundations for Nursing Practice Assignment Essay Paper

NURS 8110 Entire Course Weekly Discussions And Assignments

NURS 8110 Week 1: Philosophy and Science in a Practice Discipline

Take a few minutes to reflect on your nursing practice, as well as your aspirations for the future. What images come to mind when you think of nursing as a profession? How does your viewpoint shift when you think of nursing as an academic discipline? What happens when you think of nursing as a science?

Embracing each of these vantage points is essential for developing a complete understanding of advanced nursing practice. Yet doing so may not be a simple task, as each one consists of different ways of thinking about nursing and utilizes distinct terminology and processes.

The guiding purpose of this course is to help you develop the awareness and skills to be able to evaluate the information, beliefs, and customs that influence nurses’ delivery of care. You will explore how science (including research, the process used to develop science), philosophy, and theory intersect, and how this knowledge can be utilized to support the highest level of nursing practice.

In alignment with a core tenet of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN), a strong scientific base—which includes a sound understanding of the philosophical underpinnings of scientific thought—can help you to effectively address current and future practice issues. Therefore, this course begins with an examination of the foundations of nursing science. You will examine how science and philosophy relate to one another, and take a close look at your own philosophy of nursing.

Learning Objectives

NURS 8110: Theoretical and Scientific Foundations for Nursing Practice Essay Help

Students will:

Post your responses to the Discussion based on the course requirements.

Your Discussion postings should be written in standard edited English and follow APA guidelines as closely as possible given the constraints of the online platform. Be sure to support your work with specific citations from this week’s Learning Resources and additional scholarly sources as appropriate. Refer to the Essential Guide to APA Style for Walden Students to ensure your in-text citations and reference list are correct. Initial postings must be 250–350 words (not including references).

Assignment: Philosophy of Nursing

What is your philosophy when it comes to nursing? Which aspects of your philosophy do you think reflect the philosophical influences that have shaped the profession and are likely shared by other nurses? Which aspects of your philosophy reflect your personal values, beliefs, experiences, and unique perspective? How is your philosophy demonstrated through your practice?

This Assignment provides an opportunity for you to examine your philosophy of nursing within the context of the information presented this week.

To prepare: NURS 8110: Theoretical and Scientific Foundations for Nursing Practice Essay Help

By Day 7 of Week 2

Write a 6- to 7-page paper that:

Theoretical and Scientific Foundations for Nursing Practice NURS 8110 Assignment Essay Paper

NURS 8110 Week 2: Overview of Theory in Nursing

The first week of this course provided a brief introduction to how theory–along with philosophy and science (including research)–informs nursing practice. This week, you will examine the importance and influence of theory in greater depth, focusing on how nursing theory has evolved and how theories are classified. You will also examine how theory can lead to the development of significant research questions, and, ultimately, the application of evidence-based practice.

Learning Objectives

NURS 8110: Theoretical and Scientific Foundations for Nursing Practice Essay Help

Students will:

Post your responses to the Discussion based on the course requirements.

Your Discussion postings should be written in standard edited English and follow APA guidelines as closely as possible given the constraints of the online platform. Be sure to support your work with specific citations from this week’s Learning Resources and additional scholarly sources as appropriate. Refer to the Essential Guide to APA Style for Walden Students to ensure your in-text citations and reference list are correct. Initial postings must be 250–350 words (not including references).

NURS 8110 Week 3: Strategies for Concept Development and Analysis

This week examines concept development and analysis, which, along with theory, is a critical aspect of nursing research.

Whether a concept (also called phenomena) is abstract or more concrete, it exists within a particular context and may be interpreted in multiple ways. Clarifying or generating a shared understanding of what a particular concept is or means is therefore vitally important. As such, you will apply this approach to a research topic relevant to your nursing practice, and evaluate the steps in this process as demonstrated in a research article.

Learning Objectives

Students will: NURS 8110: Theoretical and Scientific Foundations for Nursing Practice Essay Help

Post your responses to the Discussion based on the course requirements.

Your Discussion postings should be written in standard edited English and follow APA guidelines as closely as possible given the constraints of the online platform. Be sure to support your work with specific citations from this week’s Learning Resources and additional scholarly sources as appropriate. Refer to the Essential Guide to APA Style for Walden Students to ensure your in-text citations and reference list are correct. Initial postings must be 250–350 words (not including references).

Assignment: Concept Analysis in the Literature

Review of research literature is a beneficial strategy that can be employed for concept analysis. In undertaking this strategy, you seek to understand how others have defined a particular concept, including the steps that have been utilized to arrive at this definition. As members of the nursing field engage in multiple concept analyses, they can begin to develop consensus for concept definitions and/or revise them as necessary.

Note: The concept and practice problem you select will be your focus next week as well, when you explore the relationship between concept analysis and theory development.

To prepare:

By Day 7 of this Week

Write a 2- to 3-page paper that summarizes the steps of the concept analysis process utilized in each article. Include in your summary the following information for each article:

NURS 8110 Week 4: Approaches to Theory Development in Nursing

Last week, you examined concept analysis and development for research. Building on that knowledge base, the focus now turns to how concept analysis and development applies to theory. You will evaluate the conceptual components of theory, and articulate the relationships that link concepts within a theory.

Learning Objectives

NURS 8110: Theoretical and Scientific Foundations for Nursing Practice Essay Help

Students will: 

Assignment: Creating a Concept Map

This Assignment, due by Day 7 of Week 5, provides an opportunity to deepen your understanding of the conceptual components of a theory. Building on this week’s Discussion, you will build a concept map to express the linkages and interrelationships of the concepts in the middle range theory you have selected.

To prepare: NURS 8110: Theoretical and Scientific Foundations for Nursing Practice Essay Help

By Day 7 of Week 5

NURS 8110 Week 5: Theory Analysis and Evaluation

How should theory be evaluated? Why is it important for you—as a student in this doctoral program and a prospective leader in the field—to be able analyze theory?

This week introduces various methods for analyzing and evaluating theory. The analysis and evaluation that you engage in this week will help prepare you to select an appropriate theoretical framework for addressing a nursing practice problem.

Learning Objectives

NURS 8110: Theoretical and Scientific Foundations for Nursing Practice Essay Help

Students will:

Post your responses to the Discussion based on the course requirements.

Your Discussion postings should be written in standard edited English and follow APA guidelines as closely as possible given the constraints of the online platform. Be sure to support your work with specific citations from this week’s Learning Resources and additional scholarly sources as appropriate. Refer to the Essential Guide to APA Style for Walden Students to ensure your in-text citations and reference list are correct. Initial postings must be 250–350 words (not including references).

Assignment: Creating a Concept Map

Last week you began this Assignment. Continue working on it this week and submit your work by Day 7 of this Week.

NURS 8110 Week 6: Systematic Reviews: Searching and Analysis of the Literature

Nurses prepared at the doctoral level can serve as leaders in applying research to nursing practice. How do you think literature reviews could aid in this process?

Systematic reviews involve an in-depth examination of the research literature on a specific topic. To do this successfully, you must be able to employ good search techniques, critique a research article (which requires a foundational understanding of research designs), and understand levels of evidence. This week, you will consider systematic reviews and their usefulness for promoting evidence-based nursing practice.

Learning Objectives

Students will:

NURS 8110: Theoretical and Scientific Foundations for Nursing Practice Essay Help

Post your responses to the Discussion based on the course requirements.

Your Discussion postings should be written in standard edited English and follow APA guidelines as closely as possible given the constraints of the online platform. Be sure to support your work with specific citations from this week’s Learning Resources and additional scholarly sources as appropriate. Refer to the Essential Guide to APA Style for Walden Students to ensure your in-text citations and reference list are correct. Initial postings must be 250–350 words (not including references).

Assignment: Literature Review Matrix

This Assignment expands upon the work you have been conducting for this week’s Discussion. For this Assignment (which you will start this week, and submit by the end of Week 7), you will conduct a search for literature on your selected practice problem. A Literature Review Matrix template will be used to identify gaps in the literature.

To prepare:

By Day 7 of Week 7

NURS 8110 Week 7: Middle Range Theories

This week continues the examination of nursing theory with a focus on middle range theories. Middle range theories are frequently used in nursing research and as frameworks for evidence-based practice. This week, you will examine the applicability of middle range theories to practice and nursing research. You will also develop a research hypothesis for an evidence-based practice project using a middle range theory as a framework.

Learning Objectives

Students will: NURS 8110: Theoretical and Scientific Foundations for Nursing Practice Essay Help

Post your responses to the Discussion based on the course requirements.

Your Discussion postings should be written in standard edited English and follow APA guidelines as closely as possible given the constraints of the online platform. Be sure to support your work with specific citations from this week’s Learning Resources and additional scholarly sources as appropriate. Refer to the Essential Guide to APA Style for Walden Students to ensure your in-text citations and reference list are correct. Initial postings must be 250–350 words (not including references).

Assignment 1: Literature Review Matrix

Continue to work on this Assignment, assigned in Week 6 and due by Day 7 of this week.

To prepare:

By Day 7 of this Week

NURS 8110: Theoretical and Scientific Foundations for Nursing Practice Essay Help

Assignment 2: Middle Range or Interdisciplinary Theory Evaluation [Major Assessment 3]

As addressed this week, middle range theories are frequently used as a framework for exploring nursing practice problems. In addition, theories from other sciences, such as sociology and environmental science, have relevance for nursing practice. For the next few weeks you will explore the use of interdisciplinary theories in nursing.

This Assignment, due in Week 10, asks you to evaluate two middle range or interdisciplinary theories and apply those theories to a clinical practice problem. You will also create a hypothesis based upon each theory for an evidence-based practice project to resolve a clinical problem.

Note: This Assigment will serve as your Major Assessment for this course.

To prepare:

You will continue working on this Assignment in Weeks 8, 9, and 10 using material presented in those weeks to consider interdisciplinary theories that may be appropriate for exploring your practice problem and research question.

By Day 7 of Week 10

In a 8- to 10-page paper (including references):

NURS 8110 Week 8: Interdisciplinary Theories and Models Used in Nursing, Part I

As noted throughout this course, nursing practice is unique, yet it also draws from the theoretical foundations of various disciplines.

In examining the foundations of nursing practice, it is important to consider the applicability and influence of bio-behavioral, pathophysiological, psychosocial, and environmental sciences theories. The focus of the course now shifts to an examination of interdisciplinary theories and the implications for nursing practice. This week you will investigate theories from the sociological and behavioral science.

NURS 8110: Theoretical and Scientific Foundations for Nursing Practice Essay Help

Learning Objectives

Students will:

Post your responses to the Discussion based on the course requirements.

Your Discussion postings should be written in standard edited English and follow APA guidelines as closely as possible given the constraints of the online platform. Be sure to support your work with specific citations from this week’s Learning Resources and additional scholarly sources as appropriate. Refer to the Essential Guide to APA Style for Walden Students to ensure your in-text citations and reference list are correct. Initial postings must be 250–350 words (not including references).

Assignment: Middle Range or Interdisciplinary Theory Evaluation [Major Assessment 3]

Continue to work on this Assignment, assigned in Week 7 and due by Day 7 of Week 10. Consider the interdisciplinary theories presented this week and incorporate them according to the instructions for this Assignment, provided in Week 7.

NURS 8110 Week 9: Interdisciplinary Theories and Models Used in Nursing, Part II

This week, you will continue your examination of interdisciplinary theories and their application to nursing practice. The basic sciences, such as chemistry, biology, physiology, and microbiology, have had a critical influence within the clinical environment. In addition, leadership and management theories are important in any health care setting.

How might the theories presented this week help you to further evidence-based practice in nursing? You will have an opportunity to explore that question this week.

Learning Objectives

Students will:

Post your responses to the Discussion based on the course requirements.

NURS 8110: Theoretical and Scientific Foundations for Nursing Practice Essay Help

Your Discussion postings should be written in standard edited English and follow APA guidelines as closely as possible given the constraints of the online platform. Be sure to support your work with specific citations from this week’s Learning Resources and additional scholarly sources as appropriate. Refer to the Essential Guide to APA Style for Walden Students to ensure your in-text citations and reference list are correct. Initial postings must be 250–350 words (not including references).

Assignment: Middle Range or Interdisciplinary Theory Evaluation [Major Assessment 3]

Continue to work on this Assignment, assigned in Week 7 and due by Day 7 of Week 10. Consider the interdisciplinary theories presented this week, and incorporate them according to the instructions for this Assignment, provided in Week 7.

NURS 8110 Week 10: Application of Theory to Practice and Nursing Research

Promoting evidence-based practice is one of the most important ways that a DNP-prepared nurse can demonstrate leadership and expertise. As you have learned, doing so involves having a sound understanding of the relationship between theory, research, and practice. How has your awareness of this grown during the previous weeks of this course? What questions have arisen for you?

This week you will take a closer look at the application of theory to clinical practice and research.

Learning Objectives

Students will:

Post your responses to the Discussion based on the course requirements.

Your Discussion postings should be written in standard edited English and follow APA guidelines as closely as possible given the constraints of the online platform. Be sure to support your work with specific citations from this week’s Learning Resources and additional scholarly sources as appropriate. Refer to the Essential Guide to APA Style for Walden Students to ensure your in-text citations and reference list are correct. Initial postings must be 250–350 words (not including references).

Assignment: Middle Range or Interdisciplinary Theory Evaluation [Major Assessment 3]

Continue to work on this Assignment, assigned in Week 7 and due by Day 7 of this week. Consider how your selected theories and research question could be addressed through an evidence-based practice project. You will need to incorporate the related topics addressed this week.

By Day 7 of this Week

NURS 8110 Week 11: Evidence-Based Practice

Throughout this course you have been investigated theoretical frameworks for addressing research questions in the clinical setting and the application of theory to practice. This week continues the exploration of evidence-based practice (EBP) and introduces EBP models which can also provide a framework for applying theory to practice. You will also consider the difference between EBP and clinical research.

Learning Objectives

Students will:

Post your responses to the Discussion based on the course requirements.

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