Order now for an original nursing paper on NURS 8200 Week 6: Quantitative Methods: Correlations Essay Assignment Paper

NURS 8200 Week 6: Quantitative Methods: Correlations Essay Assignment Paper

How many commercials or ads have you seen that state, “Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!” or that “Children who eat a nutritious breakfast earn better grades in school”? Research studies do indicate such a correlation; however, how could you as a researcher be certain that eating a balanced breakfast is related tochildren performing well academically? Perhaps parents who make sure their children eat a healthy breakfast are more likely to help their children with their schoolwork. Or perhaps the types of children who choose more wholesome breakfast foods are simply smarter or more motivated in school than their counterparts who prefer inadequate or unhealthy breakfasts.

This week focuses on statistical methods that examine correlation. You explore how the correlation statistic is utilized in health care and evidence-based nursing practice as a means of examining relationships. You also consider the process of reporting your research results based on statistical significance, correlation, and the risk or possibility of error in your study.

Learning Objectives

Students will:

Does caffeine cause cancer? Is autism caused by childhood immunizations? What is the relationship between eating sugary sweets at night and weight gain? It is often helpful to determine and explore relationships between variables. This is especially important in health care, a field dedicated to providing quality care for patients and improving health outcomes. Examining relationships between variables forms the basis for correlational statistics.

In this Discussion, you identify a health care or nursing practice problem that can be explored with correlational statistics and formulate a research question for exploring that problem. You also develop a null and alternate hypothesis, determine the variables related to the study, and predict relationships between the variables based on what you know of correlational statistics.

To prepare:

By Day 3

Post a cohesive response that addresses the following:

Read a selection of your colleagues’ postings.

By Day 6

Respond to at least two of your colleagues, critiquing their research question and hypotheses and pointing out factors that may influence the strength of the correlation of the variables. Be sure to provide a rationale for your responses in one or more of the following ways:

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