NURS 8310C Week 10: Chronic Disease Management: Mortality and Morbidity Essay Assignment Paper

NURS 8310/ NURS 8310F/ NURS 8310M/ NURS 8310A/ NURS 8310C Week 10: Chronic Disease Management: Mortality and Morbidity

The management of chronic disease poses a significant health care challenge in the United States and elsewhere. By the year 2030, chronic disease will cost the world over 47 trillion dollars annually (Bloom, et al, 2011; Jaslow, 2011). As noted in Week 6, many of the factors that contribute to chronic illness—such as poor diet, lack of activity, drug and alcohol use, and smoking—are lifestyle choices. Consider, for instance, diabetes: the significant increase in prevalence from 1980 to 2007 is explainable almost entirely by lifestyle choices. Most adults report having the condition long term, and the direct and indirect costs associated with it are substantial (Nash, Reifsnyder, Fabius, and Pracilio, 2011).

As a nurse leader, what opportunities do you see for reducing morbidity and mortality—and, ultimately, for diminishing the tremendous personal and societal costs—related to chronic disease?

You have explored many of the facets of epidemiology throughout this course; this week, you will examine the study of chronic disease. You will investigate models and frameworks for managing chronic disease, as well as how the challenges of managing chronic disease inhibit the delivery of quality health care.

Learning Objectives

Students will:

According to the Population Health course text, “Roughly 40 million Americans are still uninsured and 112 million Americans (almost half of the U.S. population, 45%) suffer from at least one chronic condition in the United States, an estimated 125 million persons have at least one chronic condition, and half of these persons have multiple chronic conditions” (Fabius, and Pracilio, Nash, Clark, 2015, p. 4 ).

This week’s Learning Resources examine numerous health problems that result in a need for ongoing care. As you have explored this week, many costs are associated with chronic disease—both in terms of lives lost and socioeconomic burden. What can be done to help reduce chronic disease at the population level?

For this Discussion, you will take an in-depth look at chronic disease, and you will evaluate ways to address this issue through the application of chronic disease models and frameworks. In addition, you will consider the impact of the challenges of managing chronic disease on quality of care delivery.

To prepare:

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By Day 3

Post a cohesive scholarly response that addresses the following:

Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses.

By Day 6

Respond to at least two of your colleagues in one or more of the following ways:

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