Order now for an original nursing paper on NURS 8400 Design and Evaluation of Programs and Projects Week 1 Essay Assignment Paper

NURS 8400/NURS 8400A/NURS 8400F/NURS 8400M/NURS 8400S/NURS 8400W/NURS 8400C:Design and Evaluation of Programs and Projects | Week 1 Essay Assignment Paper

What are the building blocks for creating programs that successfully address health care–related problems? What does it mean to apply effectiveness-based program planning? How has the “era of accountability” influenced the design, management, and evaluation of programs?

In the first week of this course, you explore these questions and more as you are introduced to the process of planning a program and its evaluation. Sound planning and evaluation are essential for creating programs that contribute toward the establishment of effective health care delivery—and, as a DNP-prepared nurse, you have an opportunity to positively impact health-promotion and disease-prevention goals through your work at the aggregate or systems level. To establish a foundational context for this, this week you engage in a Discussion on social problems and consider how this relates to the program planning.

This week you also begin your Practicum Experience for this course, crafting learning objectives and a plan for achieving them.

Learning Objectives

Students will:

In this course, Design and Evaluation of Programs and Projects, you examine aspects of program planning and evaluation while also engaging in a Practicum Experience. As you do this, you may notice the differing terminologies and approaches that are applied in various circumstances. For instance, you are likely quite familiar with the phrase “health problem” from your previous coursework and professional practice. This Discussion looks at understanding “social problems” as part of a framework for program design. What is the distinction between these terms? Why is it important to notice this divergence?

Problem analysis is a cornerstone for effective program planning and should be conducted at the outset. With this first Discussion, begin to pay close attention to the language and perspectives that will inform your program planning work as you move forward in the course.

To prepare:

By Day 3

Post a cohesive scholarly response that addresses the following:

Read a selection of your colleagues’ responses.

By Day 6

Respond to two of your colleagues in one or more of the following ways:

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