Order now for an original top nursing paper on PCN 520 Grand Canyon Week 8 Assignment 1 Practice Exam Paper

PCN 520 Grand Canyon Week 8 Assignment 1 Practice Exam Paper

Practice Exam


Addiction Counseling Quiz

#1. Which of the following is not true of group counseling?

#2. Which of the following is considered a psychological risk of participating in a therapeutic group?

#3. According to the ASGW’s Best Practice Guidelines, informed consent involves?

#4. Certain types of members can sap a group’s energy for productive work. These include…?

#5. If the goal of a group is the simulation of everyday life, then it is a good idea to have?

#6. Which of the following statements is not true regarding ways group members can be encouraged to get more out of their experience?

#7. When helping group members to define their personal goals, it is important to remember that?

#8. Which of the following is characteristic of a working group?

#10. The therapeutic factor in groups that involves a willingness to specify desired modifications of one’s behavior is?

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