Primary Data Collection/Key Informant Interviews Essay Assignment Paper
Primary Data Collection/Key Informant Interviews Essay Assignment Paper
Page 2 of 2 Part Three: Primary Data Collection/Key Informant Interviews (35 points/150 total points) Key informant interviews are qualitative in-depth interviews with people who know what is going on in the community. The purpose of the key informant interviews is to collect information from a wide range of people including community leaders and/or professionals who have first-hand knowledge about the community. These community experts, with their particular knowledge and understanding, can provide insight on the assets of a community and nature of problems, and give recommendations for solutions. Two common techniques used to conduct key informant interviews are telephone interviews and face-to-face interviews. For this assignment, you will identify two people in your community to interview. Examples of people to contact may be: healthcare provider, social worker, community-based agency director, first responder, outreach worker, safety net provider, mayor, city council member, epidemiologist, director of free clinic, community/public health nurse, etc. Students must choose people from different agencies/organizations and different professions (may not choose 2 first-responders, may not choose 2 nurses, may not choose people that work within the same agency/organization, etc). Students that choose 2 people from the same agency/organization or same profession will receive a 30% deduction in the overall earned grade for this assignment. A few of the goals of conducting key informant interviews include:
• Gathering information about the community from well- connected, informed community experts.
• Understand the motivation and beliefs of community residents.
• Gather information from people of diverse backgrounds and opinions and be able to ask in-depth probing questions.
• Discuss sensitive topics, get respondent’s candid discussion of the topic, or to get in depth information needed.
Planning the Key Informant Interviews: • Gather and review existing data from previous
Community Assessment assignments • Determine what information is needed • Select the type of interview (phone or face-to-face). • Develop an interview tool (see below) • Determine documentation method (written, recorded) • Conduct the key informant interview • Compile and organize key informant interview data
Developing an interview tool • Write an outlined script • Use open ended questions to gather information on the
Primary Data Collection/Key Informant Interviews Essay Assignment Paper
informants’ opinions and beliefs Include these questions or an appropriate adaptation of these questions. Add/expand questions that are relevant to the chosen community and based on the results of your windshield survey. Interview questions:
• What are the issues facing the community? • What has happened that makes you believe this is an
issue? Tell me more about that. • Who does this affect? • How does it affect them? [Encourage them to be
specific.] • What are some of the causes this issue? • What are some of the key assets of the community? • How does the community use its assets to address
issues? • What do you think are the priorities and goals of the
community? Analyzing the Interview Data: There are several ways to analyze the information you have received. Usually it is a good idea to sit down right after the interview and put your thoughts on paper: a summary, your impressions of the key informant’s feelings and anything else that seems relevant. You need to critically evaluate your key informant data based on your knowledge of the issues/assets and your community. You will address the following questions in a 3-4 page scholarly paper (this is 3-4 pages for the body of the paper, not including title page):
• Information about who you interviewed by identifying their role (healthcare provider, social worker, community-based agency director, first responder, outreach worker, safety net provider, mayor, city council, epidemiologist, director of free clinic, community/public health nurse, etc.)
• For each informant, explain why they are considered community experts in the community.
• Describe the general focus of your questions, and also include the specific questions asked.
• Summarize the qualitative data obtained from each of the key informants; are there similarities, are there differences?
• Describe the themes that emerged (including use of unattributed quotes when these would help enliven the description).
• What are the implications of this qualitative data related to the health and well-being of the community?
Part Three: Primary Data Collection/ Key Informant Interviews
Description of Key Informant Interviews: Must include professions/roles, why these informants are experts within the community, general focus of the interview, the questions asked of the informants, and summary of responses.
10 points
Analysis of interview: What were the similarities and differences of the interviews? What themes emerged? What are the implications of these assets/barriers on the health of the community?
20 points
Use of proper APA format (eg. title page, page numbers, etc.). Professionally written without errors in spelling or grammar; must include an introduction and conclusion
5 points
TOTAL POINTS 35 points
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