Secondary Data Collection, Analysis & Planning Essay Assignment Paper
Secondary Data Collection, Analysis & Planning Essay Assignment Paper
Page 2 of 2 Part Four: Secondary Data Collection, Analysis & Planning (50 points/ 150 total points) For this part of the Community Assessment, you will gather online data about your community, and compare this information to the state and national data. You will then create a Community Health Nursing Diagnosis and determine possible interventions within your community. You will need to collect data that is specific to your community and potential health issues. Be very thorough in your data collection. The end product of this assignment will be to determine a potential health problem within your community from the data, create a Community Health Nursing Diagnosis, and identify a plan to implement interventions specific to the group/population/or community. Critically think about what information you need to make recommendations about the health status of your community and collect data that will support those recommendations. Suggested websites to begin looking for data are the U.S. Census Bureau, National Center for Health Statistics, the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, your state health department, and the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute. There are also many more websites that may prove to helpful listed under the “Web Links” tab on the left side of the Blackboard shell. Data Table: You must collect at least 10 unique data sets (one set is the community/county vs. state vs. nation), but you may collect more if you wish. You will enter the data you collect into a table that you create and provide direct links to the location/table where you gathered the information. Below is an example of a data table: Description of the data set, including year
City/County (must state which in box below)
State National
Population, 2015 (United States Census Bureau, 2015)
28, 758 (include the specific url to the data)
9,562,685 (include the specific url to the data)
320,956,485 (include the specific url to the data)
Median Household Income, 2010-2014 (United States Census Bureau, 2015)
$42,598 (include the specific url to the data)
$51,386 (include the specific url to the data)
$55,843 (include the specific url to the data)
Secondary Data Collection, Analysis & Planning Essay Assignment Paper
The following is a list of possible data to collect (yes, it is ok to include the data from Part One of this assignment, as you will compare your community data to the state and nation). Include data which is relevant to issues and assets discovered through your windshield survey and key informant interviews.
• Population • Median Age • Mortality Rate • Infant Mortality Rate • Leading cause of death • Age distribution • Birth Rate • Cause Specific death rate • Crime rate • Educational attainment • Gender • Household Income • Infant mortality • Leading Health Indicators for identified community
(may use county or state health indicators) • Marital status • Mortality Rate • Occupation • Per Capita income • Population-size and distribution • Poverty rate • Race/ Ethnicity • Single family households • Single parent households • Unemployment rate • Hospitalizations by diagnoses • Sexually transmitted diseases • Teenage pregnancy
These are examples; you may collect other data points as long as you are able to compare city/county data to the state and the nation. If you are unable to find city data for a specific item, you may use county data (be sure to indicate this on your data table). Data must be comparable within each data set; meaning collect rates for all data points or percentages for all (so that we can compare “apples to apples”). Analysis: In addition and in narrative form:
• Analyze the data and provide a narrative summary of your findings.
• Discuss whether your data findings are reflective of community health concerns and challenges, assets, both.
• Describe whether the identified secondary data support earlier assessment findings from your windshield survey, key informant interviews, and other community data previously assessed.
• From the data collected and analyzed, identify an issue relevant to the health and well-being of the community or a group/population within the community.
• Create a Community Health Nursing Diagnosis relevant to your community and based on information gathered in all 4 parts of the Community Assessment (see info below on how to write a Community Health Nursing Diagnosis)
• Identify a goal within the Health People 2030 document which is relevant to your chosen health issue and describe the interventions outlined within the HP2030 to improve the outcomes of this health issue, and determine if these interventions would be appropriate for your community based on your knowledge and info gathered previously, OR propose different community health interventions for your specific group/population/community.
Your analysis should be 3 paragraphs at minimum. You must use proper APA format (eg. in-text citations and reference page), provide rationale and show evidence of critically thinking, Community Health Nursing Diagnosis The community health diagnosis is a foundation of community health nursing practice. The diagnosis sets the groundwork for community health nursing goals of reducing health risks by identifying the risks and factors that contribute to the risk. Analysis of the collected primary and secondary data reveals health problems in the community. Written community health nursing diagnoses differ significantly from those written for the individual. Identified problems or health risks are stated in a community health nursing diagnosis. The community health nursing diagnosis format you will use is as follows:
1. Problem: (a specific problem or health risk in the community)
2. Population: (the specific group or population that is affected by the problem/risk)
3. Related to: (strength and weaknesses in the community that influence the specific problem or health risk in the community, including statistics and/or primary/secondary data collected from previous parts of the Community Assessment assignment)
4. As evidenced by: (use the statistical and/or other data that when analyzed identified the problem or health risk)
You have already gathered and analyzed all the information you need to write the community health nursing diagnosis in the previous four steps of this assignment. So, this step should be fairly straightforward. Below is an example of a Community Nursing Diagnosis.
• Risk of increased incidence of teenage pregnancy among teens in High Life county related to increased sexual activity (56% of females ages 15-19 are sexually active in High Life county as compared to 46% of females ages 15-19 nationally [Centers for Disease Control [CDC], 2012]) and the non-use of contraceptives (63% of females ages 15-19 do not use contraception during sexual intercourse in High Life county compared to 51% nationally [CDC, 2012]) as evidenced by a teenage pregnancy rate of 72/1,000 in females ages 15-19 as compared to 68/1,000 nationally (CDC, 2012).
Centers for Disease Control. (2012). Morbidity and mortality weekly report. Retrieved from /mm6102a1.htm?s_cid=mm6102a1_e
Part Four: Secondary Data Collection, Analysis, & Planning Rubric
Data sets: Minimum 10 unique data sets presented in a table comparing city/county, state and national data
15 points (1.5 points per data set/row on your table)
Analysis: does data corroborate or conflict with information gathered in previous sections of the Community Assessment?
Identify an issue relevant to the health and well-being community based on the data presented here and previous data collected for other parts of the CA assignment. Refer to the HP 2030 document and identify the issue within the national health goals. Describe interventions that are outlined in HP2030 for this type of community/population and health issue, and would work IN YOUR COMMUNITY based on your knowledge and information gathered, OR propose other interventions you believe would work within the identified community/group/population.
20 points
Community Health Nursing Diagnosis 10 points
APA 7th edition format: proper in-text citations (for narrative only), title page in student paper format, page numbers, reference page (for narrative only)
5 points
TOTAL POINTS 50 points
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